One on One Teaching : Help Your Child Reach Their Full Potential

Early child education systems have undergone a tremendous structural and instructional transformation. The need for after-school assistance to improve children’s performance has increased. Parents hire qualified tutors knowing that extra assistance will lead their children to master academic topics. Therefore, if you want to do the same, you should know what to expect. This article explores one on one tutoring and its benefits.


What is One on One Teaching? 


One kid and a tutor work together to learn in a process called one-on-one tutoring. To develop appropriate objectives for each student, a tutor must be utterly aware of the student’s strengths and shortcomings. Either in-person classes or one-on-one online tutoring are options for this type of education. 


Knowing a child’s capabilities, tutors design courses, activities and assignments to meet the requirements of their students. An educator can explain why a student may be unable to comprehend a particular concept. A tutor may review potential remedies with the parents if the issue is due to a lack of essential information. Tutors may also offer extra resources and tasks to push students and support their success.


What Are the Benefits of One on One Teaching


teacher teaching kids to draw


Understanding a student is essential to creating an effective tutoring plan that will benefit them since kids learn differently. The benefits of using one-on-one online tutoring services are listed below. 


Enables a customized learning experience 

One child at a time is the focus of one-on-one tutoring. Tutors must modify specific tactics to fit the needs of each student to guarantee that a kid meets the established learning objectives. 

Personalisation helps students to select the best learning strategies that work for them. The system may dramatically improve a child’s learning process as they start to see success in terms of results and understanding key ideas.


Establishes a safe atmosphere for learning 

A teacher may establish a learning atmosphere where students will be more at ease and eager to learn through one-on-one tutoring. One-on-one tutoring allows pupils to learn at their own pace without classroom distractions or the common fear of embarrassment in front of others. For children who struggle in their education, one-on-one instruction is much more helpful.


Teaches students to understand problems, not just solve 

During one-on-one tutoring sessions, your child can try out new strategies, pose inquiries, and work toward specific goals. Children who receive one-on-one tutoring will grow more self-assured in their skills; they may still make errors as long as they concentrate on finding the solution rather than getting the correct answer. 

Tutoring services, like the one-on-one online tutoring in YELAOSHR, concentrate on the best strategies and techniques for instructing children. YELAOSHR increases students’ enthusiasm for learning by helping them refine their skills. Kids will grow in confidence and eagerness to study and carry this attitude into the classroom and other collaborative learning settings.


Promotes conceptual understanding 

Before moving on to the next idea, any one-on-one tutoring service worth its salt would consistently work to ensure that the child has mastered the previous one. This method encourages knowledge and comprehension while pushing children to adopt a positive learning attitude, which results in academic achievement. Additionally, one-on-one tutoring allows a tutor to evaluate a student’s attitude and implement strategies to aid in learning.


Gives the kids informative input 

When kids receive one-on-one tutoring, they inevitably get along with the teacher, which helps them become more focused, builds their self-confidence, and, most importantly, motivates them to learn more quickly. One-on-one tutoring is an excellent approach for kids to raise their academic performance and study more deeply than they would in a typical classroom setting. 

Children will be excited to learn one-on-one with experts, especially in subjects needing assistance. Professionals in YELAOSHR can modify their teaching strategies with the immediate feedback they receive from the students. On the opposite side of the table, children will get prompt, regular advice and direction during one-on-one sessions.


Assures a thorough learning experience 

With so much material to cover in a single academic year and a wide range of disciplines with a high degree of complexity and depth, it could be challenging for teachers to commit enough time to cover all of the material thoroughly. You may hire a one-on-one tutor to ensure your child doesn’t have adverse impacts from challenging school programmes on their teachers. 

With a one-on-one tutor, there is no pressure; your kid may study subjects quickly and even take additional time to revisit complex concepts with their teacher—the high-level comprehension of things that a youngster will get from this gradual learning method.


Encourages students to ask questions 

For students, asking questions in class is only sometimes the most straightforward task. In a style of 30, asking questions draws attention, something many students try to avoid. Additionally, some educators could make fun of a student for asking a question or reprimand them harshly. 

These circumstances can undermine students’ morale and interfere with studying. Personal tutoring services like YELAOSHR hold the key to the problem. Their reasonably affordable one-on-one tutoring costs will enhance your enjoyment of using the tutors’ services.


How Can You Find the Right Tutor for Your Child


1 on 1 teaching


Only some students are a good fit for some tutors. Your child will get along much better with one tutor than another, making the learning process simpler and more efficient, just as there are teachers with whom they will identify and connect with them more than others. 


Are you confident that your chosen tutor is the best fit for your child’s requirements? 


You may discover six essential things to consider while selecting a tutor for your child below.


1. Pick a tutor who has expertise working with students in your kid’s grade level. 

You wouldn’t want a tutor who specializes in critical reading to suddenly switch to aiding your second-grader who is having trouble learning to read or a tutor who specializes in preschool reading to assist your second grade-aged youngster with writing assignments. 

Although some teachers are proficient in both areas, most tutors have a particular area of expertise. Even in the classroom, teachers frequently concentrate on one specific subject. 

For instructors of kindergarten, this means emphasizing general education abilities suitable for those younger ages; for teachers of primary school, this means emphasizing tactics ideal for older pupils and typically focusing on particular disciplines.

You want a tutor for your child who knows the subject in which your child is having difficulty, as well as a tested approaches and techniques that can aid your child in understanding their assignments and achieving academic achievement. 


2. Keep your kid’s learning preferences in mind. 

Every youngster learns best in their way. While one youngster might like to learn visually, another could prefer to learn by listening. 

You may already be aware of your child’s preferred methods of learning and knowledge absorption as a parent. You want a tutor who can do that, as it can make learning more efficient for your kids.


3. Make sure the tutor is regularly accessible at times that work for your family. 

Ideally, you should pick a tutor who is always accessible. It is uncommon for a single tutoring session to be sufficient to assist your child get through academic obstacles or mental hurdles. 

To assist your kid in developing his self-confidence and closing any learning gaps that may have caused difficulties, he may require weeks or even months of lessons. You could find filling such gaps challenging if your tutor is only seldom accessible. It could frequently feel as though the tutor must begin each session fresh.

Additionally, your kids must engage in as much continuous tutoring as feasible. A 1-on-1 tutor can get to know your kid, build a relationship with them, and personalise lessons to their requirements and learning style, which may eventually help learning improve. A team of tutors can assist your child with typical homework issues. 


4. Check references before working with a tutor. 

Check several references before choosing a tutor. Call other parents and ask about their experiences with the instructor and how that particular tutor or platform has aided their children’s success. By reviewing references, you’ll also better understand the people you’ll be dealing with, their typical approaches, and what to anticipate, which may enable you to help your kid more effectively.


5. Find out how the tutor will assist your child in achieving their objectives. 

Setting clear academic goals and working toward them is essential to working with a tutor. These objectives frequently involve catching up on academics, such as supporting skills your kid may not have learned in school. In other instances, a tutor might assist your child in developing better organizational abilities, understanding, or efficiency when doing homework. 

But before you begin, it’s critical to clearly understand how the tutor might assist your child in achieving their objectives. Find a tutor with a robust toolkit of previously successful approaches for other students.


How YELAOSHR One on One Teaching is Different from Other PreSchools


One on One Teaching by Yelaoshr's teacher


Our one on one teaching method is easy to follow, Get the support your child need to succeed, One on one teaching with a native speaking teacher etc…

The one-on-one teaching approach creates a controlled environment for the teachers and students in the class and makes it simpler to control a child’s speaking and listening. Teachers need to pay attention to their emotional state to guarantee that a kid is not easily worried. In contrast, children and instructors need to “concentrate” more when numerous people are present, which makes it challenging for the kids to speak clearly and swiftly absorb information. Moreover, one on one teaching session in YELAOSHR with a native speaking teacher will make the kids understand and comfortable to learn. For this reason, YELAOSHR strongly suggests using the one-on-one training approach.


Get a Tutor for Your Kids with YELAOSHR Now and See the Difference


You may connect with a world of enthusiastic, energising professionals who can help your children achieve academic achievement through one-on-one tutoring. The advantages are clear, and the ones listed above ought to be sufficient to persuade you that this kind of education, developed by services like YELAOSHR, is appropriate for your child.

The YELAOSHR Enrichment Activity Program: What It Is and How It Benefits Your Child

Are you seeking innovative and fun methods to improve your child’s life? In that case, you’ve found the right place to know about it! The several enrichment activities that your kids may participate in are explored in this post. There is something here for everyone, from science experiments to artistic endeavours! Prepare to have fun with your child by becoming ready to do so!

What is an Enrichment Activity?

Activities for enrichment are created to support and improve students’ educational experiences. While enrichment programmes provide children with the chance to explore their interests and develop new skills, regular classroom education gives them the fundamental information and abilities they need to thrive in school.

The aim of enrichment activities, which come in various shapes and sizes, is to enable pupils to realise their maximum potential. Everybody may find something to like in enrichment activities, whether learning about a new topic, getting involved in a group or taking on a leadership position. With so many opportunities accessible, there is no reason not to participate!

How Does the Enrichment Help to Improve Children’s Academic Performance and Social Skills?

Enrichment Activity Program Malaysia

It is no surprise that the epidemic impacted every child’s schooling during the 2020–2021 academic year. To guarantee that they approach the following year with confidence and on track for success, learners require high-quality enrichment activities. YELAOSHR is dedicated to helping parents believe their children have the resources they need to achieve and providing educational assistance to kids to adapt and flourish in their academic endeavours.

Engaged Curiosity and Continuing Education

A kid’s school day is filled with academic goals, and the speed at which the material is delivered may not necessarily leave much time for the child’s innate curiosity and exploration. Students participating in a high-quality enrichment programme have more time to study what they are learning, discover the context and a framework for it, and strengthen concepts by making deeper connections.

A Renewed Passion for Learning

Whatever you perform daily may become monotonous. It is in our nature. Giving kids a brand-new learning opportunity might spark their innate passion for learning. A student’s interest in math or language can be rekindled by YELAOSHR professionally crafted programmes, which blend social interaction and cutting-edge technology tools to boost engagement. Struggling and fast learners might benefit from renewed drive brought on by new experiences.

Opportunities to Develop Social and Soft Skills

Most students had fewer opportunities over the previous school year to involve different brains and viewpoints in their learning. Small-group enrichment activities can help pupils develop their social and soft skills. Children may practise essential abilities for the classroom and beyond in enrichment activities, including active listening, collaborative learning, finding connections to the outside world, and creating and expressing ideas.

Confidence Boost and Anxiety Reduction

Children rely on routines to feel comfortable and secure, but during the past year, their schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social life have all been significantly altered. According to research, COVID-19 has increased the prevalence of anxiety among young people. A nervous learner frequently concentrates on potential outcomes rather than enjoying the process of learning. Giving kids access to enrichment activities can help them rediscover the joy of being a part of a community of learners and open their eyes to the possibilities of the future. More confident students are better students.

Academic Advantages and Closed Learning Gaps

A good enrichment programme may fill in the gaps for kids who have to participate in learning in a less-than-ideal way. Students benefit from enjoyable and exciting learning opportunities centred on learning levels rather than grade levels with programmes like those we provide at YELAOSHR. Students who want further support in a particular area can receive it right where they are, while chances above grade level can be made available to another student seeking challenges. We think that a student’s learning should develop together with their skills.

YELAOSHR is here to narrow gaps, boost confidence, and make learning engaging and enjoyable with committed teachers, a tried-and-true curriculum, and the best educational technology. It’s simple to start!

Enrichment Activities Offered in The YELAOSHR Enrichment Program, and How Do they Benefit kids’ Development?

Aged 4-8 Trilingual Reading & Brain Development Programme

Since Malay is not a mother tongue, most Chinese kids dread and avoid speaking it. Most parents tend to focus more on Chinese and English during preschool than on Malay, which leaves many kids with inadequate national language foundations. When the kids join Standard 1, they have difficulties since they have yet to learn suku kata, especially in SJK, where math and science are taught in the local tongue.

YELAOSHR Malay & English Syllable Pronunciation, Reading and Comprehension Program employs a stress-free learning approach to foster children’s interest in the Malay & English languages so they may become proficient in suku kata, perbendaharaan kata, tatabahasa, and pemahaman at a young age. Teachers will utilise flashcards to help young students recognise words at the Beginner stage, which will gradually strengthen their memory. Within two months, children between the ages of 3 and 4 will be able to read 100 Chinese words. Some 4-year-old kids can take up to 500 words, equivalent to Standard 1 level, within eight months. Our teacher’s job is to help your kid read independently, improve their reading abilities, and develop the habit of reading. The primary purpose of YELAOSHR is to foster a child’s enthusiasm for reading, not to help them pass tests.

Aged 9–12 Chinese & Malay Foundation Intensive Programme

It will be easier for kids to study in the following years if they have a strong foundation in Standard 1 and 2. Children frequently struggle with homework and lag behind their friends in school when reading is demanding, challenging, and irritating. A lazy attitude and a lack of enthusiasm for learning are caused by poor academic performance. In high school, the issue will worsen if a youngster loses confidence.

A kid can receive the teacher’s undivided attention at YELAOSHR, something they would not get in the classroom, to work on an issue. We develop a customised solution to keep your child on track and rekindle their passion for studying before secondary school.

YELAOSHR Malay Syllable Pronunciation, Reading, and Comprehension Intensive Program provides one-on-one coaching and focuses on the issue’s root. Children are better equipped to navigate problems and learn well when there is less social pressure and stress related to the need to stay up with the school curriculum. In this problem, kids can boost vocabulary, rebuild their confidence and interest in learning and cultivate reading habits.


Research and practice in education demonstrate that the High 5 Learning Method gives young students the tools and activities they need to use their ears, eyes, hands, mouth, and minds, fostering the development of their ability to perceive, listen, and read aloud. Their ability to concentrate on their studies is enhanced by a balanced approach to VAK learning methods.

1-to-1 Abakus YELAOSHR Arithmetic programmes train students to use their eyes (visual) to see, ears (auditory) to listen, hands (kinesthetic) to move the abacus beads, and heart (brain) to concentrate as they perform arithmetic calculations. Students who have mastered advanced levels of abacus mental arithmetic may even mentally do mathematical computations. The left and right cortex neurons are continually stimulated, resulting in the balanced development of the left and right brains.


Enrolling your child in the Creative MIQ programme will save you money on expensive imported teaching materials while also allowing your child to benefit from a programme designed by our committed teachers to help them unlock their multiple intelligences, cultivate good thinking practises, and improve their High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)!

The CreativeMIQ learning series combines numerous elements from daily life, actions, behaviours, and experiences with logical principles from basic cognition to deep thinking so that kids may use careful observation and in-depth reflection.

To increase their enthusiasm for studying, CreativeMIQ may combine many life disciplines. The five logical areas of life, mathematics, space, causality, and images are covered in the series to thoroughly instruct kids on how to reason, investigate, and confidently solve issues.

Creative Maths

CreativeMATHs is a higher-order thinking skill and STEM Maker course that kids love most online. The primary purpose of this course is to develop children’s essential thinking skills by enhancing evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension and knowledge.

Who can Enroll their Child in the YELAOSHR Enrichment Activity Program, and How do Parents Go About Registering their Child?

YELAOSHR provides children ages 3 to 12 with programmes that emphasise the stimulation and development of their right brains. Flashcards, a play gym, music lessons, and role acting are all part of their program. Each lesson develops and nurtures children’s capacity for creative inquiry and analytical thought. All tutors have undergone professional training in YELAOSHR teaching methodology to deliver engaging learning opportunities. Parents can call us now or visit us to register your child.

How Much does it Cost to Enroll in the Yelaoshr Enrichment Activity Program

Enrichment Activity Program Benefits

YELAOSHR for the 2022-2023 Enrichment Activity Program fee is from RM 290 to RM 550 per month, depending on the subject taken and the days involved.

Enroll Your Kid in the YELAOSHR Enrichment Activity Program Now

YELAOSHR uses a successful teaching strategy that combines learning and enjoyment via various experiences. It does this by utilising a range of kid-focused themes, projects, and activities tailored to meet kids’ requirements and interests.

YELAOSHR prioritises extracurricular activities that teach kids various skills to enhance their academic and social-emotional growth. Students will thus benefit from engaging and fulfilling learning opportunities that promote academic and behavioural success.

Let us bring your kid and your loved ones to the school so they may experience our learning sessions and immersive environment right now.

Early Learning Centre for Children: How Yelaoshr is Helping Parents in Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are two age categories for early childhood care and education which is 0–4 years and 4-6 years. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) oversees national initiatives for children’s growth and development and is responsible for the first age range (0–4 years). The MWFCD maintains a list of all childcare facilities, or taska as often known, around the nation through the Department of Social Welfare.

Even though it is not compulsory in Malaysia, early childhood education tremendously impacts children’s development. It also describes a critical period in a child’s growth and concerns how a child’s personality develops.

The child’s biology, psychology, and emotions all change during development. The parents must be informed about the growth process and aware of the changes to ensure the kid learns the essentials of their own development.

Features of the Yelaoshr Early Learning Centre for Children in Malaysia

Yelaoshr Early Learning Centre for Children in Malaysia

Yelaoshr’s interactive education programme encourages kids to carry out dramatic scenarios while stimulating their brains and having fun learning academic material in a clean and secure environment. Children are observant, inquisitive, and easily swayed. These five components are necessary for every kids that providing by Yelaoshr with the correct atmosphere for kids to develop, learn, and prosper.

Cognitive Stimulators

Children constantly absorb new knowledge. Cognitive stimulators direct the mental energy in a targeted manner. Yelaoshr provides children with a wide variety of learning opportunities by including new puzzles every week, building blocks, books with high levels of engagement, objects that call for sorting and organising, and exposure to technology through fundamental computer instruction. Moreover, by offering kids a healthy diet, Yelaoshr also increases cognitive stimulation with nutrients that support the growth of brain connections.

Rest & Relaxation

Relaxation is important! The children’s post-game or riddle-solving tiredness is crucial to assimilating the sessions’ lessons in psycological and physical skills. Yelaoshr designs a nap/lounge area with cosy pillows, mats, wiggle chairs, and even therapy balls for kids with ADHD and special needs.

Dramatic Play Areas

One of the most effective methods to foster a love of learning and a passion for life is dramatic play that challenges kids to use their imagination and “pretend” themselves into different roles. Little ones can explore the ideas of accountability, adventure, truth, and morality via make-believe or dramatic play. Yelaoshr employs virtual reality-based content projectors, puppets, costumes, and accessories to make the kids imaginations come to life while educating.

Artistic Expression

A well-rounded personality appreciates both the abstract of art and the logic of science. With an artist’s corner in your child’s development, Yelaoshr will provide the groundwork for this wholeness to encourage young children to express their creative impulses via colour, form, or sound. Yelaoshr also offers materials, including paint, pencils, paper, play dough, and even rudimentary musical instruments (baby pianos and tambourines) to make the lesson more interesting.

Motor Skill Enhancement

Unstructured outdoor play allows kids to develop their muscle tone and coordination. Yelaoshr offers a designated playground and clears a space in the room for children to run about, catch and toss a ball, play tag, and stimulate their blood flow.

The Benefits of an Early Learning Center for Kids

Benefits of an Early Learning Center for Kids

Choosing the best early learning centre involves much more than just finding a location to have your child cared for. Because the foundation of the person your child will become is being laid at this age—likely more so than at any other point in their lives.

These formative years are essential for a child’s healthy growth and future success and enjoyment. Using an early learning centre is a fantastic way for your child to start developing those crucial life skills.

It’s a Place of Socialisation

Quality early learning centre services encourage and foster the growth of these relationships, which are essential for social development. The development of the children’s social, emotional, and cognitive skills in their care is entrusted to qualified adults in addition to their respect for the children themselves. Children acquire confidence, overcome shyness, and create the connections necessary for success later on in life when adults encourage them as they engage with others.

It’s a place of structure that helps nurture a healthy desire for lifelong learning.

The best early learning programmes offer a regulated setting where good behaviour is promoted as the kids play, learn, and have fun. Such a structured framework isn’t something self-evident; in fact, the kids won’t even notice it. However, being in a structured environment with timetables and areas designated for particular activities encourages learning in various ways.

This, in turn, fulfils the intense curiosity that toddlers of this age have about the world outside them. If done well, it creates a passion for information that will serve them well in their following academic years when they move on to higher education and beyond.

Promotes Essential Early Life Skills

An early learning centre is an educational establishment run by experts rather than a babysitting service. Between the ages of 3-5, a pre-vocabulary schooler’s will increase from roughly 900 words to about 2,500. The exposure to language kids receives via enjoyable activities like storytelling, singing, and games dramatically help to advance language abilities.

In addition, the foundational skills of topics like arithmetic and reading, as well as enjoying hands-on activities that support cognitive growth, may be built upon with gentle encouragement through discussion, counting games, and Qs & As. Children are taught to apply their investigative talents and deal with various problems.

Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

At this time of development, several encounters are essential. Early interaction with instructors and students and adequately planned, age-appropriate learning offer a solid foundation from which confidence may emerge. Kids are more likely to explore their hobbies, look into their capabilities, and start comprehending their abilities and talents when feeling good.

A child’s sense of self-assurance grows in direct proportion to the number of good interactions they experience with others around them. This encourages a positive outlook on how to handle complex challenges in life. Such a strong foundation is essential for the child’s confident start in life’s adventure.

How Can Parents Benefit from Sending Their Children to the Yelaoshr Early Learning Centre

Yelaoshr Early Learning Centre

No Work Compromise

After children, the majority of parents are forced to make career compromises. While taking a temporary sabbatical is OK, giving up on your profession might prove to be a mistake. The childcare sector addresses such parental concerns.

Yelaoshr provides parents with the perfect hands for optimum parenting. With the help of their skilled and ECCE-certified facilitators, they take excellent care of kids. Yelaoshr assumes full responsibility for your child’s whole growth during the program. Additionally, they update the parents. You may contact the tutor of your child at any moment if you’re concerned about them and return your attention to your business or work.

Easily Control Kids At Home

Kids who attend early learning centre learn many self-engagement activities and stop clinging to their parents. Therefore, the kids are well-behaved enough not to bother you while you cook or take care of other home duties. When you choose Yelaoshr for your child, they also begin assisting your kid with all of your house duties.

Yelaoshr cultivates a passion for learning in kids and fosters their capacity for critical thought. Therefore, if you select Yelaoshr, your child will experience perfect growth and development throughout their formative years.

Happy Family

Conflict arises between a husband and wife if they cannot effectively handle a kid’s obligations. Mothers in Malaysia may have more responsibilities than other people, making them feel overburdened. Being a parent for the first time is entirely novel for a mother. As a result, we cannot count on her to manage things precisely as she has never been in the position earlier.

But many of the survey’s findings show that a happy family seeks assistance from a reputable and professional early learning centres. When everything is thoroughly thought out and arranged, the family tie is strengthened even further.

Who can Enroll their Child in the Yelaoshr Early Learning Centre

Yealaoshr’s Early Learning programme provides a foundation for learning, growth, and care for kids aged 4 and above. Your kids may learn through a variety of activities when they join Yelaoshr for their fundamental development.

Develop your Child in the Yelaoshr Early Learning Centre

When selecting an early learning centre for your child, there are several features and factors to consider. The most crucial step is to spend some time investigating local early learning centre’s facilities and weighing your selections according to the standards we have listed above.

Touring a few early learning centres’ facilities is generally advised before enrolling your child. Trust your instincts when selecting and assessing your early learning education provider. Never be scared to search for another early learning centre if you think something is wrong.

Yelaoshr has childcare experience, and we want to support your children in becoming better people in the future. To learn more about our childcare services, please stop by or give Yelaoshr a call.

How To Choose The Right Daycare Center For Your Child In Malaysia


You’re probably a parent seeking the top daycare or childcare facility in Malaysia close to where you live. You’re not alone, after all. These days, a lot of parents have two full- or part-time jobs, making it difficult for them to raise their kids without one of them jeopardising their careers. 


If you fit this description, it may be time to think about enrolling your kids in a daycare facility. For young children, daycare centres are caring, comfortable spaces. 


We will discuss how to select the finest childcare in this post.

How To Choose The Best Daycare Center For Your Child 


Your search for the ideal childcare facility will become more focused if you know the primary reasons you require childcare for your child. This will assist in directing you toward the relevant service. To be sure your kid receives high-quality child care, add the following childcare centre standards to your checklist.


Registration of Childcare Center Licensing 

Licensing is the gold standard for health and safety standards in any childcare provider. Sadly, not all childcare centres in Malaysia have licences. For others, there can even be unskilled carers. 


According to the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), childcare facilities should adhere to national health, welfare, and safety standards to ensure children’s safety. You can check if the Ministry of Education accredits the preschool you are considering or if it is a childcare facility, the Department of Social Welfare. 


When you visit a childcare facility, ask questions about the teachers and caregivers who will be responsible for your kid.


Safety and Security In and Around the Daycare Centre

Children enjoy exploring their surroundings, but because of this, parents need to be very concerned about their safety. Children are naturally drawn to everything around them because they are innocent, including potentially harmful objects. 


In addition, the area should have no dangers that might threaten children. If a kid needs first aid, there should be supplies on hand, and instructors should be taught the basics. 


When you visit, please look at the daycare centre and enquire about its security and safety SOPs. Keep an eye out for a childcare centre’s level of security measures, such as security access, CCTV cameras, and a visitor policy system.



Toddlers’ immune systems are still growing, making them more prone to illness and infection. For this reason, childcare centres should impose stringent sanitary regulations. 


Verify that the classroom area where the kids frequently hang out is cleaned regularly. Daycare facilities should have clear SOPs in place to benefit both the facility and the parents. 


Some childcare facilities require sick kids to miss school while they heal at home before returning to daycare. Doing this can prevent the infection from spreading to other children. To keep your kid and the other children safe, some childcare facilities have health admittance criteria for enrollment, such as requiring that your child have a specific set of vaccines.


Location of Childcare Centre 

It would be convenient for you as a busy parent to select a childcare centre close to your place of employment. It would be best if you thought about how long it takes to get from your house to your office, home, and the childcare facility. 


Because many providers charge steep penalties for late pick-ups, you should consider these aspects. Find a childcare facility that provides flexible hours if your work schedule is erratic.


Meals Offered and Nutritional Choices 

A growing youngster needs a healthy diet. Therefore, it’s essential to determine whether the childcare facility provides a wide variety of filling, nutritionally sound, and well-balanced meals for your children. We urge you to ask the centre for a few sample menus to ensure you are happy with the culinary options. 


Inquire about the centre’s flexibility in this area since kids might be fussy eaters. If the centre knows your kid has unique dietary requirements, ask the centre how they will meet those needs.


Education Type 

Childcare facilities, many of which adhere to a particular educational philosophy, such as Reggio Emilia or the Montessori approach, also offer high-quality early learning programmes and instruction. 


Since infants learn by mimicking people, finding a daycare with teaching and parenting ideals align with yours is essential. As you visit the childcare centre, ask the teachers about their philosophy on early childhood education, their activities, and how they handle various situations.


Caretakers’ Communication Skills 

Leaving your toddler with someone else might be unpleasant because you fear they could cry or be in distress while you’re away. If your kid is still unable to communicate, the primary source of information should be the carers. 


So that you can stay informed, think about how the centre keeps you updated about your child’s growth, from feeding times to education and play. An attentive caregiver should often keep you updated on significant changes. 


Do keep in mind that a caregiver is in charge of many kids. After the day, respectfully inquire about your child to acquire the latest information.


The benefits of engaging your child in daycare during their development years



Approximately 60% of kids reside in locations without daycare facilities. Although skipping daycare may seem like a great way to save money, it is not necessarily in the child’s best interests. So, are you aware of all the benefits it may offer?


There is much more than just hiring a babysitter to get things done. Continue reading as we go through the top 5 advantages of childcare.


1. Regular Routine 

The framework is crucial to a child’s intellectual development, especially in toddlers. They find security and consistency in everything, including regular meal and sleep schedules. They may not be able to discern the time, but by having activities planned, they can get a sense of how the day goes. 


This is provided by travelling to and from childcare and the program’s schedule while the child is there. Time spent playing, eating, and sleeping gives a youngster everything they require to develop into an intelligent, capable child. Your kid will flourish if the schedule includes learning activities.


2. Development of Social and Emotional Skills 

Despite your best efforts, kids have limitations in the family bubble. Daily, they do not have the opportunity to contact people from other backgrounds. Children who attend daycare are taught to apply social and emotional skills for anything from collaboration to dispute resolution. 


The ideal childcare facility will provide educational activities that support this. In a controlled atmosphere, structured games and play encourage the development of problem-solving skills and self-expression. 


Another benefit is that it lessens the separation anxiety that kids experience. While we all want our children to depend on us, encouraging independence is crucial. This is crucial for emotional growth.


3. Behaviour Improvement 

High-quality childcare has been associated in studies with fewer behavioural issues and attention deficit disorders. How to solve difficulties becomes a vital ability for a child as their social skills mature. This implies adolescents have other options for expressing their rage, frustration, and disappointment than tantrums and misbehaviour. 


These abilities are not limited to the early years. They change as the child ages, and the issues they deal with are more complicated. This will eventually enable them to develop into well-rounded, emotionally secure adults.


4. Smoother Transition to Kindergarten 

It is simpler for kids to transition to kindergarten when they have already developed the skills necessary to comprehend a structured day. They will understand how the day is structured and how they must commute to and from locations other than their house. 


Additionally, childcare will implement reading and numeracy skills. They will not only comprehend how the school operates but also excel academically. They can now access more challenging activities and comprehension with childcare.


5. Autonomy and Independence

Independence must be encouraged early if you want your child to become a self-assured adult. We all want our kids to depend on us, yet letting go is crucial to their development. Childcare centres are the first step in that. 


Your child’s sole helpers at daycare will be themselves and the teachers. With so many classmates nearby, students develop their social skills or independence. Simple chores you may have previously performed—like putting on outdoor clothing or cleaning up—will come naturally to them. 


You may regain some of the freedom you may have lost as a parent. You may return to work or spend more time on domestic and family responsibilities when your child is at childcare.


Top 3 Childcare Centres in Malaysia

childcare in Malaysia


Yelaoshr is the top-rated daycare cetre in Malaysia. Yelaoshr focuses on all aspects of learning in high-quality childcare. They pay attention to what interests kids and create activities that help them broaden their knowledge and abilities in several areas. When children can draw connections across alphabets, they better comprehend the subject. When your child and a friend make a paper box feeder, for example, they use maths and science to measure and combine materials to make the feeder stable, language to describe their ideas and decide how to solve the problem, and reading (with the help of caregiver) to learn what kind of seed different birds prefer. This integrated, deeper learning helps kids prepare for their kindergarten education.


Yelaoshr helps kids with their language abilities by allowing them to listen to and communicate with others. They chat with kids while they play, in groups and one-on-one throughout the day. They encourage kids to share their knowledge, opinions, and feelings. Most children in childcare learn what reading is for and what rhyming sounds are. They discuss and listen to stories with the kid, making the learning process lively. Yelaoshr helps their students to be more fluent when reading to create a base for their language ability. Yelaoshr also focuses on children’s writing progress. 


Yelaoshr has much subjectivity on the part of the caregiver and much thinking when dealing with each child and understanding how they might grow. As a result of this subjectivity, Yelaoshr learning/teaching has developed several teaching styles. They had varied strategies to help kids comprehend different teaching styles and fill in the gaps in the knowledge of childcare for kids.



The Klang Valley-based Kinderland Child Care programme offers a thorough preschool curriculum through its 17 centres. To foster your children’s independence and confidence, the teachers will walk them through the daily rituals of eating and taking a bath. 


Children at this age will have increased access to and opportunity for a specially designed, integrated, and comprehensive approach to learning with a full or half-day programme. They are equipped with trained caregivers to look after your children while you’re at work.


R.E.A.L Kids 

With more than 30 locations and 5,000 children countrywide, R.E.A.L Kids is the largest owner-operated kindergarten chain in the nation. It was founded back in 1986. Our completely established and holistic curriculum is complemented by their extensive programmes, which include a variety of enrichment sessions and extracurricular activities in preparation for national and international curricula. 


The educational philosophy, R.E.A.L., which stands for “Results Enhancing via Active Learning,” directs and encourages all endeavours. At R.E.A.L., kids establish a method of learning that seems most natural to them to honour each child’s individuality and the abilities they offer to the world.


4 Reasons to send your kids to Yelaoshr daycare centre in Malaysia

childcare centre

In our childcare, we at Yelaoshr work hard to provide every child with the best possible head start in formal education. Childcare creates a solid mentality to decrease the likelihood that any kid would drop out of school at a higher educational level. Our responsibility is to help children develop a mentality marked by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Every child should have the academic resilience to follow whatever job path they choose and at any level. We provide half-day and full-day baby childcare. Please get in touch with us to learn more.

Growth in Social and Emotional Skills 

We begin teaching your children the fundamentals of social and emotional reactions at a young age (at a level they can understand). We admonish the kids to be kind, engaging, and understanding with their pals. Our curriculum includes entertaining indoor and outdoor activities that call for the kids to engage with one another and, in some cases, work as a team to accomplish shared objectives during play and games. We also teach kids about nature and domestic animals through photographs and kid-friendly movies.

Phonics and Speech Enhancement 

Your kids’ early exposure to speech and phonics will lay a solid basis for improved success in higher educational institutions. We instruct the kids on how to recognise and pronounce letters, numbers, and typical items found inside and outside the house. Every child in Yelaoshr will be introduced to engaging activities like singing, reading, and other things as the curriculum progresses. At Yelaoshr, we teach our kids using the traditional Montessori curriculum.

Developing Movement and Motor Skills 

Our instructors and babysitters are qualified to assist young children in developing their motor abilities, including crawling, walking, picking up and putting down objects, pulling, clapping, etc. We offer the tools necessary to support this element of your kids’ growth. Additionally, because every kid has a different way of learning, we are also aware of what to do when a kid needs assistance to acquire some fundamental motor skills.

Logical Thinking and Math 

We presently live in a world where infrastructure and technology are developing quickly. The best companies always look for bright, analytical brains to assist them in resolving issues that impede technological growth. A kid’s development into an adult with fully developed mental and analytical capacities—capabilities that become leverage to solve problems and give value to their communities—requires an early introduction to logical thinking and math. We are pleased to be tasked with guiding young children in this direction, and we possess the educational know-how and tools necessary to promote the growth of a brilliant and analytical mind.


Develop Your Child with Yelaoshr

There are several factors to consider while choosing a childcare centre for your kid. The most crucial step is to take the time to research local childcare facilities and analyse your options using the criteria we have outlined above. 


Touring a few daycare facilities is frequently advisable to get a feel for the environment before deciding. When choosing and evaluating your childcare provider, trust your gut. If you believe something is incorrect, don’t be afraid to look for another childcare facility. 


Yelaoshr is expertise in childcare, and we would like to help your kids develop as better human beings. Please have a visit or call Yelaoshr to learn more about our childcare facilities. 


The Best kindergarten in Malaysia to Get Your Child Started on Their Educational Journey


It can’t be far from natural science because we frequently hear that children’s brains are like sponges, which absorb everything they go through and take in everything that happens around them. Wouldn’t it be great if we could provide them with all the physical, emotional, social, and cerebral knowledge they would require to be prepared for combat in the years to come?


Choosing the best kindergarten or preschools for your child can be challenging. After all, just like everyone else, you would desire the best education for your child. To locate the ideal school for your children, you must consider various aspects, including the curriculum, class size, commute time, and more. That seems like much work. We’ve covered you with this list of Malaysia’s top 5 kindergartens and preschools. Let’s go through what they have to offer in more detail.


The 5 Best Kindergartens in Malaysia


kindergarten Malaysia


Yelaoshr focuses on all aspects of learning in high-quality kindergartens. They pay attention to what interests kids and create themes or projects that help them broaden their knowledge and abilities in several areas. When children can draw connections across many content areas, they better comprehend the subject. When your child and a friend make a paper box feeder, for example, they use maths and science to measure and combine materials to make the feeder stable, language to describe their ideas and decide how to solve the problem, and reading (with the help of an adult) to learn what kind of seed different birds prefer. This integrated, deeper learning helps kids prepare for their primary education.


Yelaoshr helps kids with their language abilities by giving them many opportunities to listen to and communicate with others. They chat with kids while they play, in groups and one-on-one throughout the day. They encourage kids to share their knowledge, opinions, and feelings. Most kindergarteners learn what reading is for and what rhyming sounds are. They discuss and listen to stories with the kid, making the learning process lively. Yelaoshr helps their students to be more fluent when reading to create a base for their language ability. Yelaoshr also focuses on children’s writing progress.


Yelaoshr has much subjectivity on the part of instructors and much thinking when dealing with each child and understanding how they might grow. As a result of this subjectivity, Yelaoshr learning/teaching has developed several teaching styles. They had varied strategies to help kids comprehend different teaching styles and fill in the gaps in the knowledge of preschool education for kids.



A learning environment that fosters character, leadership, and creativity is offered by Oasis International School – Kuala Lumpur using the US curriculum. OIS allows students to develop wholesome friendship skills, social values, and empathy within and outside the classroom. Play and enough rest are essential components of the educational process and aid children in performing better on scholastic problems. OIS educates kindergarteners. Kindergarten classes have a maximum of 15 pupils and are taught by elementary school teachers with US teaching credentials.



White Lodge is a Singapore-based organisation that instructs children in structured, significant, individualised and nurturing methods to think creatively. WhiteLodge focuses on kids’ physical and intellectual development while learning from them. Located in Bangsar South and Desa ParkCity, the curriculum is taught through arts and crafts, sensory activities, drama, music & movement, gross & fine motor activities, literacy, numeracy, science, and languages. It is based on High Scope, Reggio Emilia, and Harvard Project Zero principles.



The Alice Smith Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum seeks to create a treasure trove of wonder and joy for young brains that are naturally interested. Children will feel safe, cared for, and cherished in the school’s designated Early Years Foundation Stage to play spaces and gardens, which offer a stimulating and intriguing setting. At Alice Smith, all classroom instructors have early childhood education degrees and extensive experience working with young children. They make the kid participate in exploratory and physical play, explore language-rich surroundings where children gain a love of books and reading, and participate in music and movement sessions thanks to carefully crafted curricula and learning spaces.



Little Urban Forest preschool was founded on the principle that Mother Nature is the most outstanding teacher on earth, a natural force that inspires humanity to seek, learn, and unearth the mysteries of life and its creations on earth. It is the first urban play-based forest school and sustainability learning preschool for children aged 2 to 6 years to be established in KL. With the help of environmental education and sustainability techniques, their programme seeks to inculcate in young people a love of nature and fundamental life skills. Here, little ones will get their hands dirty while participating in interior learning, outdoor exploration, and survival activities.


The Benefits of Sending Your Child to a Good Kindergarten


top kindergarten in Malaysia

Early childhood development is significantly influenced by kindergarten. It includes initiatives intended to get students ready for future education. Children gain various cognitive, emotional, and social abilities in kindergarten that prepare them for success in school later on.

They have the opportunity to learn more about and comprehend the world throughout this phase. Numerous entertaining and instructive activities are provided for them, which improve their learning. Your young child will benefit from a fantastic stage of knowledge and many loving experiences by attending kindergarten.


Learning language and cognitive skills

Young children are introduced to a linguistically diverse environment in a high-quality kindergarten programme. Here, their language expands, and their communication abilities increase. Teachers can assist students in improving their language abilities by posing challenging questions. Other exercises are also offered to kids to aid in developing their language abilities. One illustration is talking about a particular subject, such as their favourite animal or pastime.


In kindergarten, children also develop their cognitive abilities in addition to their verbal skills. Hands-on activities that challenge the minds of kindergarten students are provided. Because a child’s brain is like a sponge at this age, it is strongly advised that parents make the most of this learning capacity.


Growth of social and emotional skills

Social and emotional development is just as crucial as a child’s cognitive development. Because of this, the kindergarten emphasises them as well. Teachers in kindergarten do more than keep an eye on the kids and teach them the basics of ABCs and 123s.

Teachers are educated to support the social and emotional growth of young children. They allow kids to make friends and engage in positive social interactions. Additionally, they employ “teachable moments” to help kids learn how to control their emotions and settle disputes on their own.


Practise independence.

An excellent place for children to develop their self-care and independence is kindergarten. Children do not have their parents help them with specific tasks in kindergarten. They only have themselves to rely on for everything, from organising their personal belongings to emptying their lunch box. They acquire the practical abilities they will require as they mature in this setting. And they learn to take care of others in addition to themselves.

Children have the chance to practise helping and caring for others in kindergarten. As kids mature, they pick up the habits that facilitate the development of positive interpersonal connections.


Reading and maths proficiency.

Early literacy and maths instruction is essential to a child’s development. This is why kindergartens are also taught about these things. Children are offered tasks that advance their reading and maths abilities to prepare them for future academic efforts. Kids are given sorting games, matching exercises, counting games, and other assignments that help them better grasp numbers while they study mathematics.

Children are taught how to distinguish letters in both uppercase and lowercase as they work on improving their reading abilities. They finally read a few high-frequency words and discovered how each letter’s sounds match.


Promotes a kid’s curiosity.

Although kindergarten is more regimented than daycare facilities, it encourages a child’s curiosity. Children are encouraged to be curious and to explore their surroundings in kindergarten. It gives kids the chance to use their imaginations and creativity. Instead of giving a lecture as students sit in the four corners of the room, teachers utilise creative play to deliver lessons. Additionally, kid-friendly toys are employed to make learning more entertaining for kids.


Choosing the Right Kindergarten for Your Child in Malaysia


private kindergarten

You have a toddler at home. Are you a parent? If so, you may have reached the point where you’re considering enrolling your child in kindergarten. How do you choose the most acceptable kindergarten programme for your child when so many options are available?


If you are now at a crossroads, here are some practical tips:


1. Evaluate your vision for education.

Which type of school would you like your child to attend? What abilities do you want your child to acquire? After identifying a good education for yourself, read about the school’s vision, mission, and learning philosophy.


2. Seek out a curriculum that is balanced and comprehensive.

Every parent wants their kids to develop in all spheres, including their cerebral, physical, emotional, and social talents. Children in their early years are proliferating in many areas and need a balanced programme that considers the complete kid. Look for a kindergarten programme that integrates active learning and creative play into everyday instruction.


3. Look for committed educators with a solid early childhood teaching foundation.

Only a group of teachers passionate about early childhood education and committed to the curriculum can provide a fantastic result. Before picking a school, it is vital to discover more about the teachers’ histories and watch them in action because teachers impact a child’s education the most.


4. Be mindful of the class size.

Teachers have more opportunities to satisfy the needs of each kid when classes are smaller. Students will be more interested in the course, and teachers will pay closer attention to and interact with everyone. Additionally, it’s critical to understand how strongly discipline is emphasised in the classroom. You should not attend a class where young children yell or run around.


5. Consider the entire school community.

It can be easy to concentrate solely on the teacher when selecting a kindergarten programme, but it’s essential to examine the entire school and if your child will feel at “home” there. Not only are you picking a teacher, but also a school. It’s good to admire your child’s kindergarten teacher and anticipate the future.


What to Look For in a Kindergarten

As indicated by parents enrolling their children in kindergarten as young as two years old, many parents today recognise the value of early education. Early childhood education gives kids the fundamental academic, social, and communication skills they need to succeed in primary school.


When selecting the best kindergarten for your child, it’s necessary to look into a few things.


1. Curriculum

Kindergarten curriculum comes in a variety of formats nowadays. Kindergartens typically create specialised curricula based on existing curricula, such as Whole-Child Education, Reggio Emilia, and Montessori Method. Would a more academic or play-based curriculum be better for your child? Find out which curriculum best fits your child’s personality and learning preferences.


2. Teaching Qualifications

Never forget to inquire about the credentials of the teachers at each kindergarten you visit. Ask about the minimum requirements, the duration of the teachers’ employment, and the turnover rate. Do the teachers receive ongoing training? Are the methods of instruction modern? When your child starts preschool, he will spend much time away from you, so it’s critical to pick teachers who are the best fit for him.


3. Teaching and Disciplinary Methods

If the kindergarten permits it, take advantage of the chance to witness a class in action. You can observe in person how teachers discipline students who misbehave. Do the teachers know how to deal calmly and effectively with arguments, temper tantrums, and physical displays of emotion? This is also the moment to inquire about the types of punishment, such as time-outs or reprimands, that are applied. Before enrolling your child in kindergarten, ensure you are at ease with its disciplinary practices.


4. Outdoor or Physical Activities

Children are, by nature, enthusiastic and energised. As a result, you ought to look for kindergartens that include physical education in their curricula. Kindergartens frequently have time in their pupils’ schedules for modest exercise and outdoor play. Additionally, many kindergartens include playgrounds.


5. Security

Other than by teachers, how else are kids watched over? As this will be the first time your child spends a significant amount of time away from you, it is crucial to ensure that their learning environment is secure. Ascertain whether there are CCTV cameras at the kindergarten, and notice whether a security guard is there to watch the pick-up and drop-off area.


Tips for Helping Your Child Adjust to Kindergarten Life


mandarin kindergarten

Kids experience significant transitions in kindergarten. Some students are experiencing regimented school life for the first time. Others may transition from a small preschool classroom to an ample space with many children. Likewise, every child reacts differently. Some people are impatiently looking forward to new experiences. Some people struggle with change and feel anxious. Children may also behave differently after they enter the classroom.


Additionally, kindergarten preparedness scores vary across children. Some people already possess the necessary abilities, such as counting to ten and the alphabet. Some people still haven’t arrived.


Here are five suggestions for easing the move.


1. Practice kindergarten skills.

Practice the skills your child will use in class, such as letter formation and pencil grip, throughout the summer. If your child isn’t yet proficient in these skills when school begins, that’s okay. However, if your child doesn’t try these skills in the kindergarten classroom for the first time, it can reduce stress for your child and benefit the teacher. Also, kindergarteners cut out a variety of shapes. Now is a terrific time to introduce your children to kid-friendly scissors if they haven’t already.


2. Establish definite bedtime and morning schedules.

With kindergarten starting, there’s a high possibility that your child will adopt a new morning schedule. Maybe the alarm goes off earlier. Or they had to wait for you to pick them up. Moving bedtime earlier might be helpful, depending on your morning routine. Walk your children through the morning ritual before school starts. Try to get your kid to eat breakfast, get dressed, and wake up on time. Will you be the one to help your kid leave the house? If not, have the person who will be watching your child in the mornings practise the routine a few times.


3. Start gradually reducing nap time.

The majority of kindergarten programmes receive a break. However, if your child is still napping, this respite will likely be shorter than they are accustomed to. Before school starts, try reducing naptime by a few minutes each day.


4. Make instructions enjoyable to follow.

Throughout the school day, kindergarten students are required to follow instructions. Practice this in a fun way at home. Before the start of the school year, have your child complete tasks with one- and two-step instructions. Together, you can make crafts or play brand-new games. Or you could ask your kid to assist you in the kitchen.


5. Enquire about your child’s feelings.

Due to the high number of firsts, kindergarten is unique from other grades. Kids may feel apprehensive because there is so much that is unknown. Talking with your child can help them overcome their first-day anxieties and concerns. What do you want to know about kindergarten, for example?

Your children may find it challenging to comprehend or express these emotions. But let your children know you’re there by asking questions and demonstrating empathy.


Final Thoughts

Both children and parents may experience excitement and anxiety on the first day of kindergarten. This significant turning point in your child’s academic career marks the start of a period of intense study and development. You may prepare your child for this transition as a parent by taking specific actions. What can you do as kindergarten opening day draws near to ensure your child starts successfully? Parents are crucial when it comes to assisting their kids in getting ready for the start of their next academic chapter.


Finding the ideal kindergarten that will encourage children to lead their futures with confidence and, as a result, develop into well-adjusted adults is just as important as finding a good kindergarten that will provide a child with the best start possible in their educational path.




What age is kindergarten in Malaysia?

For young children aged 4 to 5 years old, kindergarten is a non-formal and flexible programme in Malaysia. Depending on the needs of the parents, the curriculum lasts between one and two years.


Is It Compulsory to Attend Kindergarten in Malaysia?

Preschool education, or kindergarten, in Malaysia, starts as early as four years old, but it is not compulsory. However, most children under the age of six start their preschool education formally to get ready to start school.


Can a 4-year-old go to kindergarten?

In Malaysia, formal education begins at four years old when a child enters preschool. A kid must be four years old on January 1 of the school year to be eligible for 4-year-old kindergarten.


Is preschool and kindergarten the same?

Children aged two to four years old enter preschool whereas children aged four to six years old enter Kindergarten. Preschool introduces children to school, social interaction, and following rules; kindergarten is more regimented and typically takes a more direct approach to learning and achieving academic milestones.


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