Online Learning vs Traditional Learning

The evolutionary landscape of education includes discussions about online versus traditional learning, which has provoked the urgency of critical discussions in the pedagogical domain. Amidst the transformation of technology, the debate on the effectiveness of traditional and modern learning methods has gained traction. The debates have been triggered, and education professionals and students alike have been forced to reconsider and redefine the very essence of education.

This article shows our unblinkered efforts in finding online and traditional learning approaches. We will explore how the digital platform revolution has reworked the educational landscape and how the old-fashioned classroom can still be an efficient tool. Our article examines both approaches’ pros, cons and implications in light of the changing nature of education in a technologically driven environment.

Let us make this discovery together as we explore this section of the educational division and consider the fate of learning.

Structure and Flexibility

Online Learning

Online learning incorporates flexibility in education. It enables students to apply in self-paced mode by allowing them to choose their speed of passing courses and completing assigned materials according to their learning styles and timetables. This type of learning usually supports those juggling a load of responsibilities, namely education and work or family. Accessing coursework from any location and time also means that students can tailor their study schedules to fit their needs, leading to a more personalised and adaptable educational experience.

Traditional Learning

In contrast, traditional learning provides a structured environment that many students find beneficial for maintaining discipline and a steady pace of study. Fixed schedules and in-person interaction with instructors and peers create a sense of community and accountability that can enhance the learning process. This structure ensures a consistent routine, which can be particularly helpful for learners who thrive under direct guidance and the social dynamics of a classroom setting, such as group discussions, presentations, and face-to-face feedback. However, this rigidity can be less accommodating to those with fluctuating schedules or external commitments.

Interaction and Support

Online Learning

Online learning platforms facilitate interaction through various digital channels. Forums and messaging systems generally become the platform where students can connect with instructors and other students, limiting communication only to the times when different time zones and time schedules enable asynchronous communication. In addition, online programs can be scheduled to look like face-to-face experiences, with interactive video sessions that will increase the participant’s understanding of the materials and the bond among community members. While this interaction offers greater flexibility, it may need more immediacy and the personal touch of traditional classroom settings.

Traditional Learning

Traditional learning environments excel in providing immediate and direct interaction. Students have the advantage of in-person support from instructors, enabling quick clarification of doubts and more dynamic discussions. The physical presence of classmates also allows for spontaneous peer support and collaborative learning opportunities. This direct access to support networks is invaluable for many learners, as it can lead to deeper engagement with the material and a more robust educational experience.


Online Learning

Online learning is often lauded for its cost-effectiveness. Without the need for physical classroom space, many of the overhead expenses associated with traditional learning environments are significantly reduced or eliminated. This can result in lower tuition fees and the absence of costs related to commuting or housing. Additionally, online courses often provide digital textbooks and resources, which can further decrease the financial burden on students.

Traditional Learning

Conversely, traditional learning typically incurs higher costs. The maintenance of campus facilities, administrative staff, and in-person instruction contribute to the overall expenses. Students attending traditional institutions may also face additional costs for housing, transportation, and physical textbooks, which can add a substantial amount to the total investment in their education.

Engagement and Learning Styles

Online Learning

Online learning often employs diverse learning materials such as videos, simulations, and interactive exercises to engage students. These multimedia resources cater to various learning styles, allowing individuals to absorb information through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic means. Furthermore, the flexibility of online platforms enables learners to revisit content at their own pace, reinforcing understanding and accommodating different learning speeds. This multimedia approach fosters active participation and enhances retention, creating a dynamic and immersive learning experience.

Traditional Learning

In contrast, the classroom environment of traditional learning typically caters to a more limited range of learning styles and teaching methods. While lectures and discussions are common, they may not fully engage students who learn best through hands-on activities or visual aids. Additionally, the fixed structure of traditional classrooms may restrict opportunities for personalised learning experiences tailored to individual preferences. Despite the presence of knowledgeable instructors, the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional education may not fully optimise the learning potential of all students.


The choice between online and traditional learning is more than just a one-size-fits-all decision. It hinges on individual preferences, circumstances, and goals. Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility and cost savings, making education accessible to a broader audience. Traditional knowledge, on the other hand, provides a structured and immersive experience with direct access to support and resources.

As we stand at the crossroads of education’s future, it is clear that both paths offer valuable experiences. For those seeking to embrace the digital revolution in education, YELAOSHR online tuition presents an excellent opportunity. With a commitment to quality education and student success, YELAOSHR is at the forefront of online learning, offering a diverse range of courses tailored to meet the needs of today’s learners.

Take the next step in your educational journey with confidence. Join YELAOSHR online tuition and unlock a world of knowledge that is flexible, affordable, and accessible. Enrol today and be part of a community that values innovation, support, and lifelong learning. Your future awaits!

Seven Benefits of Online Tuition in Malaysia

The shift towards online tutoring sessions in Malaysia has become crucial to achieving academic excellence in the ever-evolving education sphere. The emergence of technology has redefined the limits of learning and introduced novel opportunities for students. In this detailed exploration, we will examine the considerable benefits of online tutoring with experienced tutors, analysing each aspect to emphasise its impact on academic excellence in Malaysia.

Time Management

Online tuition serves as an efficient time management, transcending the conventional limitations of traditional classrooms. Eliminating the need to commute to school or college saves valuable time and creates a better environment for focused and uninterrupted learning. The flexibility in scheduling allows students to customise their study routines according to their needs, and this helps them develop essential time management skills that can be applied to other areas of their lives beyond academics.

Cost Effective

A cornerstone of online tuition’s efficacy lies in its inherent cost-effectiveness. Institutions can curtail operational expenses by mitigating the need for physical infrastructure and transportation. This financial efficiency trickles down to students, making high-quality education more accessible. The democratisation of academic excellence is removed, enabling more comprehensive access to learning opportunities.

kid in online tuition


Revolutionising education, online tuition breaks revolutionises cal barriers, offering unparalleled flexibility. Students can attend online tuition classes anywhere with a good internet connection, aligning education with personal and professional commitments. This adaptability accommodates various schedules and fosters an environment where learning complements and enriches other facets of life.

Safety and Convenience

The paramount concern for students’ safety is addressed through online tuition and online tutor, which provides a secure and controlled learning environment within the confines of their homes with their preferable learning style. This ensures physical well-being and aligns seamlessly with the convenience of learning in a familiar, comfortable setting. As a result, online tuition transcends mere convenience, offering a sanctuary for effective and focused learning.

Engaging and interactive

The power of online tutoring services lies in their ability to provide an engaging and interactive learning experience with online tutoring platforms. By utilising various online tools and software, online tutors can go beyond traditional teaching methods and create dynamic and captivating lessons with in-person tutoring and private tutoring. Incorporating interactive quizzes, multimedia presentations, and collaborative online tutoring platform can enhance the educational experience, encourage active student participation, and improve comprehension.

kid in online learning

Access to Online Resources 24/7

The 24/7 availability of online learning materials is a hallmark of online tuition. This continuous accessibility expands the horizons of learning beyond traditional constraints. With a rich repository of e-books, videos, and interactive simulations, students can delve into a vast spectrum of resources anytime, amplifying the depth and breadth of their academic knowledge.

Recordings Available

One of the distinctive features of online tuition and online classes is the capability to record tutoring sessions. It provides an invaluable resource for students as these recordings serve as a personalised library. Students can revisit and review concepts in personalised online lessons at their own pace. This facility is highly beneficial and helps students to learn more effectively. This aids in effective revision, reinforcing understanding and mastery of complex subjects.


In conclusion, the authoritative benefits of online tuition in Malaysia are transformational and comprehensive. Online tuition classes in Malaysia are highly effective and cost-efficient learning methods that offer unmatched flexibility, safety, and an engaging environment. With 24/7 access to a wide range of resources and the ability to record sessions, online tuition has become an indispensable learning mode. Its advantages include impeccable time management, cost-effectiveness, and learning at your own pace.

To embark on a journey of academic excellence through online tuition, we extend an authoritative invitation to students and parents to join YELAOSHR online tuition. Elevate your online learning experience, embrace the future of education, and unlock your full academic potential with online tuition’s authoritative and comprehensive advantages. Join us towards a brighter and more accessible educational future for all.

Why We Shouldn’t Overlook Early Childhood Education for Children

Early childhood education is a crucial phase in a child’s development, typically spanning from ages 3 to 6. During this period, a child’s brain is rapidly developing, and they begin to establish language, cognitive, social, and emotional skills. There are compelling reasons to advocate for early childhood education because it has profound implications for a child’s future.

First and foremost, early childhood education helps nurture a child’s creative thinking. In today’s society, mere acquisition of knowledge is no longer the sole determinant of success. As mentioned, AI technology is becoming increasingly powerful, and children who solely focus on book learning may find themselves at a disadvantage when competing with AI. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate children’s abilities in innovation and creativity. Early childhood education can stimulate a child’s curiosity and imagination, encouraging them to ask questions, seek solutions, and develop creative thinking through various imaginative activities.

Furthermore, early childhood education fosters a child’s ability to think independently and solve problems. Independent thinking is a critical life skill that aids children in making wise decisions in their daily lives. Early childhood education provides opportunities for children to face various challenges and problems, encouraging them to think for themselves and find solutions. This experience helps them develop problem-solving skills that prepare them for future learning and work.

Additionally, early childhood education teaches children to use technology effectively to overcome limitations. In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of life, and it is essential for children to be proficient in using technological tools. However, early childhood education should emphasize not just dependence on technology but also its responsible and thoughtful use. By guiding children to understand the advantages and limitations of technology, they can better utilize it to solve problems and acquire knowledge.

Therefore, the significance of early childhood education lies in its role as a foundation not only for imparting knowledge but also for fostering comprehensive development and future success in children. Children equipped with creative thinking, independent thought, and problem-solving abilities will be more competitive and adaptable in an ever-changing society and professional environment.


The Educational Philosophy of Creat!ve Preschool+

In the field of early childhood education, Creat!ve Preschool+ stands out with its unique educational philosophy and methods, dedicated to nurturing creative thinking and creativity in children to better prepare them for future challenges.

Creat!ve Preschool+ places a strong emphasis on cultivating creative thinking, moving beyond traditional knowledge transmission. They recognize that in today’s society, children need more innovation and creativity, skills that go beyond textbook knowledge. Through various creative themes and activities, Creat!ve Preschool+ stimulates children’s imagination and curiosity, encouraging them to ask questions and explore new solutions.

Moreover, Creat!ve Preschool+ educational methods focus on developing children’s independent thinking and problem-solving skills. They provide a challenging learning environment where children confront various issues and are encouraged to find their own answers. This approach helps children develop critical thinking and self-confidence, enabling them to tackle life’s challenges more effectively.

Most importantly, Creat!ve Preschool+ underscores the responsible use of technology. They teach children to harness technological tools effectively, rather than relying on them blindly. By educating children about the advantages and limitations of technology, they empower them to use technology as a means to achieve goals and solve problems.

In conclusion, advocating for early childhood education is an investment based on consideration of a child’s future. In today’s society, knowledge is only a part of success; it is equally important to cultivate creative thinking, independent thought, and problem-solving skills in children. Creat!ve Preschool+ with its innovative educational philosophy and methods provides a stimulating and enjoyable learning environment for children, helping them develop these critical skills. Through early childhood education, we can lay a strong foundation for a child’s future success, enabling them to stand out as individuals with creativity and innovation in a highly competitive world. Therefore, the promotion of early childhood education is vital, and its impact on children is far-reaching.

Proven Strategies for Fostering a Positive Learning Environment

The focus in the constantly changing field of education is moving from information distribution to the creation of a stimulating, supportive learning environment. Teachers are focusing more and more on developing a love of finding and information in their students because they know that learning is more than just memorising facts and figures. To help students reach their full potential, you need to make sure they feel safe, supported, and inspired to learn and explore.

In this article, we’ll talk about a few proven strategies that can help create such a setting. By looking into these strategies, educators and other interested parties can learn a lot about how to create an environment that helps students do well in the school environment and grow as people. 

Offer Emotional Support, Affection, and Attention

Emotional well-being is crucial in shaping a child’s learning journey in education. Providing genuine emotional support, affection, and attention goes beyond traditional teaching methods, creating an environment where children thrive when they feel secure and connected. Demonstrating authentic care and interest in students’ lives, celebrating achievements, and offering guidance during challenges fosters a positive atmosphere that values each child’s uniqueness.

Building meaningful connections beyond the positive classroom environment involves understanding students’ experiences, feelings, and aspirations. Recognizing and celebrating academic successes and personal milestones, educators create an environment where every child feels seen and valued. In times of challenge, emotional support becomes clear, as comforting words and thoughtful guidance cultivate resilience, teaching children to view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Creating a haven within the positive learning environments is paramount for fostering emotional security. Children should perceive the classroom community as more than just a space for acquiring knowledge; it should be where they are accepted, understood, and supported. This foundation of emotional security sets the stage for a positive attitude towards learning, empowering students to explore and experiment without the fear of judgment, ultimately promoting a lifelong love for discovery and knowledge.

Foster a Love for Reading

Fostering a love for reading in education is like unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge and imagination. Reading goes beyond acquiring information; it opens doors to endless possibilities, nurturing skills that extend far beyond the written word. To make reading an integral part of a child’s educational journey, educators can provide access to a diverse range of age-appropriate books, creating an environment where each child can find a personalised and enjoyable story that resonates with them.

Incorporating storytelling into the daily routine is a powerful strategy to make literature come alive. Educators can captivate young minds through read-aloud sessions or interactive storytelling activities, infusing stories with enthusiasm and creativity. This dynamic approach goes beyond traditional teaching methods, sparking curiosity and creating a memorable and engaging reading experience.

Equally crucial is creating a cosy reading nook within the learning environment. This dedicated space, adorned with comfortable seating, vibrant colours, and an array of books, entices students to immerse themselves in the world of literature. Such a space fosters a sense of ownership over their reading experience and provides a sanctuary for quiet exploration, allowing children to lose themselves in the magic of books.

Establish Unique Learning Areas

The physical environment significantly shapes a child’s learning experience in practical education. A strategy to enhance this is creating unique learning areas within the classroom. By designating specific spaces for different activities, educators promote organisation and engagement, fostering independence and student motivation.

One crucial element is establishing a quiet corner for reading, providing a serene space for focused contemplation. This signals the importance of reading, encouraging students to embrace literature as an integral part of their learning experience.

A dedicated messy area for art projects acknowledges the value of creativity and experimentation. This space becomes a canvas for imagination, promoting a holistic approach to learning by allowing students to unleash their creativity without constraints.

Offering a dedicated workspace for homework reinforces the discipline of individual tasks, signalling a shift in focus. This approach instils in students the understanding that each learning activity has its designated space, fostering a disciplined and organised approach to their tasks.

natural learning environment

Maintain a Consistent Routine

A consistent routine emerges as a vital guide in childhood development, providing children with structure and predictability. Establishing and maintaining a steady routine for daily activities, including mealtimes, bedtime, and learning periods, is a powerful strategy for nurturing a supportive learning environment. This structured schedule fosters a sense of security, allowing children to focus on tasks without being distracted by uncertainty.

Children thrive on the familiarity and predictability that a consistent routine provides, offering them a framework to navigate the complexities of daily life confidently. Predictability instils a sense of security and comfort, enabling children to approach each day assuredly.

Mealtime routines are crucial in establishing a consistent rhythm and fostering nourishment, social interaction, and healthy eating habits. The predictability of mealtimes contributes to physical well-being, serving as a stable anchor in the daily schedule.

Bedtime rituals are equally significant, signalling to children that it’s time to wind down and prepare for rest. This predictability aids in the transition to sleep, promoting healthy sleep patterns and ensuring children are well-rested for the challenges of the upcoming day. Integrating structured learning periods further enhances stability, allowing children to mentally prepare for academic pursuits and creating an environment where they can maximise their learning potential with focused engagement.

Promote Independence and Self-Reliance

Fostering independence and self-reliance is critical to empowering children throughout their learning journey. Encouraging them to solve problems independently, make choices, and take responsibility for their learning instils valuable life skills, fostering confidence, resilience, and a profound sense of ownership over their educational path.

Promoting independence involves empowering children to tackle challenges on their own and fostering critical thinking and decision-making skills. Allowing them to grapple with difficulties independently enhances cognitive abilities and instils a proactive and self-reliant mindset. Additionally, providing the freedom to make choices, whether in project topics or collaborative approaches, empowers students to take ownership of their learning experiences, nurturing responsibility and genuine interest.

While promoting independence, it’s crucial to strike a balance by offering guidance and support students when needed. Acknowledging that learning involves exploration and experimentation, educators provide a safety net during challenging moments, fostering resilience. Encouraging ownership over their learning journey creates a connection that motivate students to approach learning enthusiastically, valuing continuous improvement, intrinsic motivation and embracing a mindset of lifelong learning.

Prioritise Adequate Sleep

In the intricate tapestry of childhood development, adequate sleep is a cornerstone for optimal physical and cognitive well-being. Just as adults require sufficient rest to function at their best, children, too, benefit immensely from a healthy sleep routine. Prioritising adequate sleep is not merely ensuring bedtime compliance; it is a strategic approach that contributes significantly to a child’s ability to wake up energised, focused, and ready to engage in the learning process.

Adequate sleep is pivotal in enhancing cognitive functions crucial to a student success. Memory consolidation, concentration, and overall cognitive development are intricately tied to the quality and quantity of sleep a child receives. By prioritising sufficient sleep, educators and caregivers lay the foundation for a successful learning experience, creating a positive learning environment important where students can absorb, retain, and apply knowledge more effectively.

Ensuring that children get enough rest is not just about adhering to a recommended number of hours of sleep; it is about recognizing the profound impact sleep has on a child’s physical health and mental health. Adequate sleep contributes to regulating mood and emotional resilience, fostering an environment where children can navigate the complexities of their social and academic experiences with greater ease. Furthermore, the benefits of prioritising sleep extend beyond the immediate academic context. A healthy sleep routine early in life sets the stage for lifelong habits promoting overall well-being. It invests in a child’s future, shaping their immediate academic performance, long-term cognitive health, and resilience.

positive learning environment in home

Stay Engaged and Present

In the intricate dance of education, parental or caregiver involvement is unparalleled. Supporting a child’s learning journey involves staying engaged and present in their academic endeavours. By displaying genuine interest, asking questions, and offering positive feedback, caregivers establish a dynamic and collaborative space where learning transforms from a solitary pursuit into a shared and exciting experience.

Demonstrating authentic interest in a child’s learning activities is critical to staying engaged. Caregivers convey that education is a shared journey by expressing curiosity about what children study or work on. This genuine interest fosters a sense of connection and enthusiasm, encouraging children to view learning as an exciting adventure rather than a solitary obligation.

Engagement also entails active participation in a child’s academic experiences. Asking questions about their day, discussing topics of interest, and delving into their learning materials create opportunities for meaningful conversations. These interactions provide insights into a child’s academic progress and strengthen the bond between caregivers and children, making the student learning experience more personalised and enjoyable. Listening attentively, avoiding distractions, and creating a focused and positive environment further contribute to the intentional presence that underscores the significance of the learning experience.


Making a good learning setting takes work and determination, but the benefits are enormous. Using these tried-and-true methods, you can make a place where kids feel safe, encouraged, and eager to learn, setting them up for success and happiness throughout their lives. Do not forget that encouraging your child to love learning is the most valuable thing you can do for them. The benefits will last their whole lives.

As the top early learning center Malaysia, YELAOSHR is committed to the profound impact early childhood education can have on a child’s development. Our institute prioritizes creating a nurturing environment that encourages children to reach their full potential before entering primary school. Through our carefully crafted physical and online tuition in Malaysia, we aim to ignite a love for learning, instil self-assurance, and foster deep social connections. Join us on this transformative journey as we empower your child to become a well-rounded individual ready to embrace the challenges of primary education.

Seven Benefits of Early Childhood Education

The early age of a child’s life are crucial for laying the foundation for their future success. These formative moments are like fertile ground, primed to receive the seeds of knowledge, skills, and emotional intelligence that will blossom throughout their journey. Enter the vital role of early childhood education, nurturing these seeds and guiding their growth into vibrant, well-rounded individuals.

1. Boosting Academic Performance

Quality early childhood programs don’t merely introduce numbers and letters; they ignite a love for learning. Children develop essential pre-reading, writing, and math skills through playful exploration and engaging activities. This strong foundation paves the way for smoother transitions to formal schooling, boosting academic performance and fostering a lifelong love of learning. Here, let’s delve deeper into how these programs nurture young minds and equip them for academic excellence:

Pre-Literacy Blossoms: 

Early childhood education programs don’t bombard children with rote memorization of letters and sounds. Instead, they ignite a pre-literacy spark through playful exploration. Finger rhymes, songs, and storytelling expose them to the rhythm and flow of language, building foundational phonemic awareness and laying the groundwork for reading fluency.

Maths Takes Flight: 

Numbers and shapes are no longer abstract concepts in a well-designed early childhood program. Children learn through hands-on activities, counting toys, sorting blocks, and exploring spatial relationships. This playful exploration fosters a natural understanding of mathematical concepts, preparing them for future success in arithmetic, geometry, and beyond.

Problem-Solving Superpowers: 

Early childhood education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about learning how to think. Through open-ended activities and playful challenges, children develop critical thinking skills. They learn to analyse situations, formulate solutions, and overcome obstacles, building a foundation for problem-solving that will benefit them throughout their academic journey and beyond.

Curiosity Cultivated: 

A curious mind is a hungry mind, and early childhood education programs are the perfect banquet for young learners. These programs nurture a natural curiosity that drives learning by encouraging exploration, experimentation, and asking questions—this thirst for knowledge fuels academic success and a lifelong passion for discovery and innovation.

2. Cultivating Confidence and Self-Esteem

Early childhood education is a breeding ground for confidence. Surrounded by positive reinforcement and supportive environments, children begin to believe in their abilities. They overcome shyness, express themselves freely, and learn to navigate new situations with self-assurance. This budding confidence becomes the bedrock for future success, empowering them to take on challenges and reach their full potential.

Positive Reinforcement: 

Like sunbeams warming the earth, positive reinforcement becomes the fertiliser that nourishes a child’s blossoming confidence. Genuine praise for effort, small achievements, and unique contributions shows them a sense of value and capability. They begin to internalise the message, “I can do this!”

Empowering Environments: 

Early childhood programs prioritise fostering environments where children feel safe, heard, and respected. This isn’t just about colourful walls and soft cushions; it’s about creating a space where exploration and mistakes are encouraged, curiosity finds fertile ground, and individuality is celebrated. In such an environment, children flourish, their self-esteem blooming effortlessly.

Building Resilience: 

Life can be a fickle wind, sometimes gentle, sometimes gusty. Early childhood education equips children with the emotional tools to weather these storms. Children learn to navigate challenges with social and emotional development and resilience through opportunities to express their feelings, navigate social interactions, and develop coping mechanisms. This internal strength becomes a cornerstone of their lifelong self-confidence.

kids in early childhood education

3. Developing Social Skills

The world of early childhood education is a hive of social interaction. Children learn to share, cooperate, and resolve conflicts, building bridges of friendship and understanding. They develop empathy and respect for others, honing their communication skills and laying the groundwork for healthy relationships.

Spread their wings in self-expression: 

Early childhood experiences provide a safe space for children to experiment with their voices, gestures, and emotions. They learn to initiate interactions, ask questions, and express their needs effectively. Whether a shy smile is shared across the sandpit or a boisterous sing-along during circle time, every expression is a chance to build confidence and hone communication skills.

Pollinate friendships: 

Early childhood programs facilitate a vibrant interaction ecosystem where children form fleeting friendships and lasting bonds. They learn to take turns, share toys, and navigate differences through play. They experience the joy of cooperation, discover the comfort of empathy, and learn to celebrate each other’s successes. These early friendships weave a vital social safety net, providing a sense of belonging and laying the foundation for healthy relationships throughout life.

Master the dance of conflict: 

Disagreements and disputes are inevitable in this bustling social hub. However, with the supportive guidance of early childhood educators, these become opportunities for invaluable learning. Children learn to express their frustrations constructively, compromise, and find solutions that work for everyone. These conflict-resolution skills equip them to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships with maturity and understanding.

Navigate the social compass: 

Early childhood programs become training grounds for social awareness. Children observe, understand, and respond to nonverbal cues like body language and facial expressions. They learn to decipher emotional states, anticipate their peers’ needs, and adjust their behaviour accordingly. This blossoming social compass helps them navigate the intricate world of emotions and build harmonious relationships.

4. Enhancing Brain Development

Beyond textbooks and toys, early childhood education programs stimulate the brain’s growth phenomenally. Through sensory experiences, creative play, and problem-solving activities, neural pathways are forged, enhancing cognitive development like memory, focus, and critical thinking. This robust brainpower becomes the engine driving future academic success and lifelong learning. Here’s how early childhood education acts as a brain power booster:

Sensory Explosion: 

From messy finger painting to building elaborate block towers, early childhood programs engage all five senses. This sensory immersion stimulates brain activity, creating new neural connections and strengthening existing ones. The sight of vibrant colours, the feel of different textures, the sounds of music and laughter – all these experiences contribute to building a solid sensory foundation, which underpins future learning and understanding of the world.

Playful Problem-Solving: 

Forget boring drills and worksheets! Early childhood education incorporates play-based learning, where children engage in purposeful exploration and experimentation. As they build with blocks, create stories, or navigate obstacle courses, they constantly encounter challenges and devise solutions. This playful problem-solving strengthens critical thinking skills, logical reasoning, and the ability to adapt to new situations – all essential cognitive muscles that will flex their might throughout life.

Language Launchpad: 

Early childhood programs are language laboratories where children are immersed in a rich sea of words. They’re exposed to diverse vocabulary, sentence structures, and communication styles through songs, stories, and everyday interactions. This constant exposure stimulates brain regions responsible for language processing, laying the groundwork for solid communication skills, reading comprehension, and future language learning.

Executive Function Flourishing: 

Planning, organising, and focusing are crucial for success in all aspects of life. Early childhood education programs offer opportunities for children to develop these vital executive functions. Engaging in routines, scheduling playtime, and completing small tasks independently all contribute to building self-regulation, attention control, and memory skills – the hallmarks of a well-functioning executive brain.

5. Fostering Emotional Intelligence

Early childhood education is not just about academics; it’s about nurturing emotional well-being. Children learn to identify and manage their emotions, express themselves constructively, and build resilience. This emotional intelligence lays the groundwork for healthy relationships, positive stress management, and the ability to navigate life’s ups and downs gracefully.

Identifying Emotions: 

Early childhood programs incorporate playful activities and stories that help children name and recognize their own emotions and those of other children. Imagine a vibrant “feelings chart” with colourful faces displaying happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise, providing a visual anchor for children to connect their internal experiences with external expressions.

Developing Empathy: 

Cultivating empathy starts with understanding others’ perspectives. Reading stories about diverse characters, engaging in pretend play where children take on different roles, and even discussing real-life situations where someone might feel sad or angry all contribute to building this crucial skill.

Positive Stress Management: 

Life inevitably throws curveballs, and emotional intelligence equips children with the tools to navigate challenges. By learning to identify and manage stress, they can bounce back from setbacks and build resilience. This might involve practising relaxation techniques like yoga or mindfulness or having a trusted adult to talk to when things feel overwhelming.

Lifelong Well-being: 

The seeds of emotional intelligence in early childhood care continue to flourish throughout life. Children who develop these skills tend to have better academic outcomes, healthier relationships, and greater career success. They are also better equipped to deal with life’s inevitable challenges and experience greater overall well-being.

teacher teaching early childhood education

6. Learning New Routines

From mealtimes to playtime, early childhood education programs establish routines that give children a sense of security and predictability. They learn valuable self-help skills, develop independence, and become comfortable navigating their world with autonomy. These routines become helpful building blocks for self-regulation and adaptability in their future lives.

Building Blocks of Independence: 

Imagine a toddler proudly putting on their shoes, a skill mastered through the countless repetitions of the morning routine. Each button fastened, each zipper zipped, is a tiny victory, not just in motor skills, but in self-confidence and a burgeoning sense of independence. Routines empower children to navigate their world autonomously, fostering an “I can do it!” attitude that will bloom into lifelong self-sufficiency.

Security in Predictability: 

In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, routines offer a comforting anchor. Knowing what comes next, from washing hands before snack time to the familiar lullaby before bed, provides a sense of security and emotional stability. This predictability allows children to focus their energy on exploring and learning rather than expending it on navigating the unknown.

Adaptability Takes Root: 

While the core structure of routines provides stability, early childhood programs also weave in flexibility. Unexpected weather might mean an indoor picnic instead of the park, or a new friend joining the circle time might prompt an impromptu welcome song. Through these adjustments, children learn to adapt to change with grace, which will prove invaluable as they navigate the inevitable curveballs of life.

Celebrating Rituals: 

Beyond the practicalities, routines can also become treasured rituals. Sharing stories at bedtime, singing silly songs during clean-up, or holding hands during walks foster connection and belonging. These shared experiences weave threads of love and joy into the fabric of children’s lives, creating memories that will stay with them long after the routines have faded.

7. Learning Teamwork

Early childhood education isn’t a solo journey; it’s a collaborative adventure. Through group activities and projects, children learn the power of teamwork. They share ideas, support each other, and celebrate collective achievements. This fosters valuable communication skills, problem-solving strategies, and an understanding that we can achieve more together.

Teamwork in action in early childhood education looks like this:

  • Joint problem-solving: Children tackle puzzles and challenges together, learning to brainstorm, compromise, and negotiate solutions.

  • Creative collaborations: Whether crafting murals, composing songs or staging pretend plays, children learn to combine their talents and imaginations to create something extraordinary.

  • Sharing and supporting: Early childhood programs cultivate an environment where children learn to share toys, offer help, and encourage one another. This fosters empathy, understanding, and a sense of community.

  • Celebrating victories: From building the tallest tower to mastering a new dance routine, children learn to celebrate each other’s successes, strengthening bonds and building confidence.

The seeds of teamwork sown in early childhood bloom into a multitude of benefits:

  • Enhanced communication skills: Children practice active listening, clear expression, and respectful negotiation, laying the foundation for effective communication.

  • Boosted problem-solving: Collaborative activities sharpen critical thinking and creativity, equipping children with the tools to tackle challenges head-on.

  • More vital leadership skills: As children take turns leading group projects and activities, they develop confidence, initiative, and the ability to inspire others.

  • Nurturing empathy and compassion: Working together fosters understanding and appreciation for diverse perspectives, promoting inclusivity and respect for others.

  • Building resilience: Early learning from both successes and setbacks in a collaborative environment strengthens resilience and teaches children to persevere through challenges.


In the grand tapestry of a child’s life, early childhood education emerges as the vibrant thread weaving together a myriad of essential qualities. From academic prowess to emotional resilience, the early childhood education benefits are far-reaching, creating a strong foundation for a lifetime of success and fulfilment. The nurturing environment of quality early childhood education program moulds not just scholars but confident, socially adept individuals with robust emotional intelligence.

As we reflect on the profound impact of these formative years, it becomes evident that investing in early childhood education is an investment in the very fabric of our society. It’s a commitment to fostering a generation equipped with the social and emotional skills and attitudes necessary to tackle the challenges of the future.

At YELAOSHR, we understand the transformative power of early childhood education. Our institute is dedicated to providing a nurturing environment where children blossom into well-rounded individuals for primary school. With a curriculum designed to stimulate academic curiosity, foster confidence, and cultivate strong social bonds, we invite you to embark on this enriching journey with us.

Enrol your child at YELAOSHR’s physical and online tuition in Malaysia and witness the magic of early childhood education unfold. Together, let’s build a foundation that not only prepares children for academic success but also equips them with the tools to navigate life’s complexities with grace and resilience with our English tuition. Invest in their future at YELAOSHR for their formal education, where learning is a lifelong adventure.

Seven Types of Plays in Early Childhood Education Malaysia

Playtime is more than just a joyous occasion for our little ones—it’s a cornerstone for their growth and development. In the colourful world of blocks, imaginary friends, and make-believe adventures, children in Malaysia are not just having fun; they are actively shaping their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being.

According to a study conducted by AIMS Public Health researchers in the field of Early Childhood Education, play emerges as a crucial factor in a child’s holistic development. 

Play serves as a dynamic catalyst for cognitive growth. Through activities like puzzle-solving and creative play, children actively engage their minds, fostering problem-solving skills and an understanding of cause and effect. These cognitive foundations laid during playtime become the building blocks for future academic success.

Socially, play becomes a Malaysian child’s first venture into the intricate tapestry of human relationships. Through collaborative play, children learn to navigate social situations, understand diverse perspectives, and forge lasting friendships.

Through imaginative play, children’s play reenacts scenes from daily life like dramatic play, assimilating cultural norms and societal expectations. This creative expression not only fosters cultural awareness but also nurtures a strong sense of identity among Malaysian youngsters.

As we navigate the landscape of Early Childhood Education in Malaysia, it’s crucial to recognize the diverse types of play that shape the educational journey for our younger children. From imaginative play and constructive play to social play and beyond, each play type contributes uniquely to the rich tapestry of a Malaysian child’s development.

Here are the 7 types of play in early childhood:

Unoccupied Play

In those first few months of life (1 to 3 months old), little ones dive into what we call “unoccupied play.” It’s like their introduction to the big wide world.

Picture this: they’re taking in everything around them, making those adorable random movements fueled by pure curiosity. Sure, it might not look like a classic play session, but trust us, it’s laying the groundwork for what’s to come.

So, how can you nudge this exploration along?

Well, even though babies naturally do their solo unoccupied plaything, a little encouragement never hurts. Maybe lay them down on a cosy playmat or treat them to some vibrant pictures. And, of course, your interaction is golden – it’s like a backstage pass to helping them figure out this new life they’ve stumbled into.

Independent Play

Children aren’t really into socialising during playtime from the time they’re born until they hit the ripe age of about two. Nope, they’re more into the wonderful world of solo play.

Engaging in solo adventures helps these little explorers understand the lay of the land, boosts their confidence and independence, lets their creative juices flow, shows them how things work, and hone those motor skills.

So, how do you encourage this independent playtime also known as solitary play?

Well, just throw in a bunch of cool stuff like push toys, colouring gear, fluffy buddies, storybooks, musical instruments, and more. Let your kiddo loose to play however they fancy — because creativity is the secret sauce to growing up!

Oh, and heads up, some older kiddos might still dig the solo play scene, just depending on their vibe and what tickles their fancy.

kids playing with toys

Onlooker Play

When your little one hits about 2 years old, you might notice them doing this adorable thing called onlooker play. Essentially, it’s like toddler-style people-watching. They’re not quite ready to jump into the game, but they’re glued to the action, soaking it all in.

Now, you might think, “What’s the big deal? They’re not playing, are they?” But guess what? Experts say there’s more to it than meets the eye. This onlooker phase actually helps them build the confidence they need to eventually dive into the fun. It’s like a warm-up for the social play that’s right around the corner.

So, how can you encourage this onlooker play?

Well, the good news is, it’s pretty easy to slip into your daily routine. Let your kiddo watch you tackle interesting stuff, like solving a puzzle or tinkering on the piano. And if they can check out their older siblings doing their thing around the house or spot other kids having a blast at the park — even better!

It’s all part of the magical journey of play and social interaction. Who knew that just watching could be such a crucial part of growing up?

Parallel Play

Ever watched a group of little ones playing side by side but not quite together?

That’s what they call parallel play also known as symbolic play. These kiddos, usually between 2 and 3 years old, use the same toys, and mimic each other, yet there’s no direct interaction. It’s like they’re on the brink of connecting with others but not quite there. Think of it as their prelude to more social interactions down the road.

To get them into this parallel play groove, offer up a mix of toys and activities. Think stuffed animals, building blocks, sticker books, sandboxes, and the ever-popular playdough.

To avoid any mini meltdowns (toddlers and sharing, you know the drill), consider having multiples of the same toy. Show them the ropes on how to use these items, and suggest playing close to each other.

But, here’s the key: let the interaction happen naturally. No need to force it. This way, they’re still soaking in those crucial lessons about teamwork and being social, all while having a blast.

Associative Play

As kiddos hit around 3 or 4, they start getting really interested in what their play buddies are up to. They’re diving into playdates and preschool activities, but you’ll notice they’re still doing a lot of stuff solo.

Picture this: kids drawing on the same paper without chatting about each other’s masterpieces or swapping outfits during a game of dress-up. This stage of play, called associative play, isn’t all about working together toward a common goal. It’s a bit loose and unstructured but packs a punch in shaping social skills, teamwork, language, puzzle-solving knack, and figuring out how to deal with disagreements.

Encouraging the Play: To boost this kind of play, it’s awesome for your little one to hang out with their buddies regularly, whether at daycare, preschool or during playdates. Having other children around is like adding a splash of curiosity and wonder. And of course, making sure there’s a bunch of cool toys and activities on hand can really spice up the fun of associative play.

kids playing around calm cosy spaces

Cooperative Play

This is the exciting stage where kids start teaming up with their buddies for playtime adventures! It usually kicks in around 4 or 5 years old.

During this phase, children put into action the skills they’ve picked up from earlier play experiences, like talking to each other, working together, and sharing toys. Plus, they’re adding new fine motor skills to their toolkit, like being kind, understanding others’ feelings, and finding a middle ground in decisions.

Team play involves tackling a joint goal, whether it’s constructing a mega block tower or playing classic games like duck-duck-goose. It’s not just about fun; it’s a big deal for helping kids grow socially and emotionally.

How to Boost It?

Make sure your child sees examples of team play in everyday life. Whether it’s playing a family board game that involves taking turns or getting your hands dirty together in the garden, these experiences can teach the joys of teamwork. You can also get creative with activities that need everyone’s input, such as raking leaves, building a cool fort, or sorting out the toy chaos together.

Competitive Play

So, competitive play is all about organized games with rules and winners. Think board games or sports. It’s not just about teamwork; it’s a whole package of learning to take turns, follow the rules, and deal with not always winning – pretty vital stuff for life, right?

Now, if you’re wondering how to get your kiddo into this groove, well, the real competitive action usually kicks in around elementary school. But even the little ones can have some friendly fun, like racing in the backyard.

To amp it up, you could throw in some family game nights or sign your kid up for sports. Watch how they tackle these activities, and you might notice a boost in their resilience and confidence. Fun, right?


As we unravel the intricate layers of play in Early Childhood Education in Malaysia, it becomes evident that play is not just a pastime for children but a vital aspect of their holistic child development. The diverse dimensions of play, as highlighted by the study and insights from experts, showcase its profound impact on cognitive, physical play, social, and emotional well-being.

As parents, educators, and caregivers, understanding and appreciating the significance of children play empowers us to create environments that foster growth and learning. The rich tapestry of play types, from imaginative to constructive and social play, forms an integral part of shaping the educational journey for our young learners in Malaysia.

For those seeking an enriching and nurturing environment for their children, YELAOSHR stands as a beacon in Mandarin preschool in Malaysia. With a commitment to providing a holistic learning experience like English tuition through play-based education, YELAOSHR aims to cultivate young minds, ensuring they embark on a journey of discovery, curiosity, and joy.

Take the first step toward a vibrant educational experience for your child—join the YELAOSHR community and witness the transformative power of play in shaping the future of our little ones. Your child’s journey into the world of learning begins here at YELAOSHR.

Learning at YELAOSHR centre or learning online?


Learning at YELAOSHR centre or learning online?

Learning at YELAOSHR centre or learning online?

Live online lessons are similar to traditional face-to-face classes — teacher can present information and interact with student in real time.

In the hands of Yelaoshr’s well-trained teacher, both delivery methods can be used to achieve the same goals.

Learning at YELAOSHR centre or learning online?

Every kid is unique and it’s important to find out what works best for your child.


Can my child learn online?

Can my child learn online?

Capable to learn online is NOT an option. It's required.

Previously, attending school, university is required because those are the only channels where students can obtain knowledge.

Capable to learn online is NOT an option. It's required.

Now, with an internet connection, there are no geographical barriers. It is leading away from a systematic classroom approach to a more personalized approach.

Capable to learn online is NOT an option. It's required.

Online learning allows students to learn the subjects they want at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. All students, regardless of their profound differences, are able to acquire the skills and capacities they need to navigate the rapidly changing and highly complex society that they are entering.


High Impact Learning Strategy: Brain-Based Learning!

High Impact Learning Strategy: Brain-Based Learning!

Brain’s Time Clock

The human brain runs on 90 to 120 cycles called ultradian rhythms, which influence attention, interest, cognition, memory, visual perception, arousal, performance, moods, and behaviour.

Brain's Time Clock

To accommodate these cycles, it is important to vary instructional activities and spend no more than 12 to 15 minutes of focused attention on passive learning.

Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning

Learning is innate and linked to biological and chemical processes in the human brain.

Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning

Remember that young children’s attention spans are short: 20 minutes per session is optimal length of learning sessions for young children.

Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning

YELAOSHR recognises the optimum learning duration for each age group based on their attention span, therefore the 40 minutes lesson is divided into 2 highly effective lessons with 20 minutes for each lesson.

Improvement Guarantee

At YelaoShr Creative Learning Centre, we offer Improvement Guarantee because our method is proven effective over the years. Parents can enrol their children in our programmes with peace of mind.

To assure parents of our teaching method as well as ensuring that it can be implemented thoroughly, this “Improvement Guarantee” allows parents to focus on their children’s learning outcomes, enabling their children to fully immerse in learning and help them achieve maximum learning results.

To know how our Improvement Guarantee works, you can make an appointment with our centre (click here ) and bring your child for an assessment (assessment through ONLINE ZOOM is available) to understand more about your child’s current learning status as well as the terms and conditions of Improvement Guarantee.

Today, to help you harness this potential, we are giving you a special offer for our one-to-one programmes so that your child can experience the fun and unique learning at YelaoShr®.

This offer is valid at all 67 centres nationwide and Online Learning. 

[Up to 80% Off] One-On-One Bahasa Malaysia/ Mandarin/ English Lessons for Kids Aged 4 – 12 years old.

Mandarin/Malay/English 2 lessons for only RM98 instead of RM290 (discount up to 80%)! Suitable for children age 4-12 years old, online purchase only, limited vouchers!  #Improvement_Guarantee!
Two ways to help you make a choice:
A. Purchase experience voucher through online . Let your children experience the entire learning process firsthand, and see the incredible transformation that will take place throughout the 2 lessons course!
B. Make an appointment at and bring your child to the YELAOSHR centre near your house for a simple assessment. We will provide a specific study plan based on your child’s level.

#09 What is the purpose we send our children to school and exams?

By the end of last year, the Ministry of Education had announced that the examinations throughout Primary One till Three will be abolished. After the announcement was made, a huge wave of reactions arose from the parents. Perhaps, it is because the public is so used to using examinations as a benchmark to monitor their children’s learning and to evaluate their learning abilities but without exams, parents would worry about their children lacking the need to work hard in learning and subsequently neglecting their studies.

Allow me to speak from my experiences. I have three children, all of whom are still studying. However, I take their exam results very lightly to heart.

I remembered when my daughter is in Primary One, she brought home her Moral Education paper home one day and one of the questions asked was: Which of the following are healthy activities? The four options were watching television, fishing, exercising, and playing electronic games. My daughter has deducted a point for that question as she only chose the option of ‘exercising’ while the standard answer was ‘exercising’ and ‘fishing’ just because the textbook says that ‘fishing’ is a form of healthy activity.

I asked her, why not choose the ‘fishing’ option? She replied that is because fishing kills lives. When she was young, my daughter studied in a Buddhist kindergarten and the teachers taught the children not to take lives and to love animals. Because she has the heart to protect animals, hence she feels that fishing is an unhealthy activity. Since then, I am not obsessed with my children’s exam results. If I am obsessed with it, then my children will study for the marks given and this is not the outcome I desire.

Hence, this mark deducted from my daughter makes me happy because it showed that she has her own thoughts.


Are test scores or the ability to think independently important? If you are just like me, choosing the latter, then as parents, we naturally have to possess the ability to think independently in order to nurture children who are able to do so. Now, let us think. What is the purpose we send our children to school and exams? What kind of education should we provide our children as the responsibility of parents? Many parents send their children to tuition in order to improve their test scores. This reflects the fact that many parents use scores to determine whether a child is excellent or poor, and scores are compared to other children to see who is better. Hence, what is the purpose of the exams?

For me, the function of the exam is to test what the child has learned and what knowledge is not yet mastered. I wonder if everyone agrees? If this is the purpose of the test, when the results are released, we do not solve the part that the child doesn’t understand. Instead, we continue to ask the child to learn new knowledge to cope with the next test, subsequently in the next round of exams, they will continue to fail, and the child will continue to accept the information that they don’t understand and this does not help the child at all.

认字阅读 语言教学 一对一教学

Many parents will complain that the system run by the Ministry of Education has been changing, and the children are unable to catch up. Instead of complaining, why not think about what we can do to improve our children’s learning status? I have always shared this with many parents: If you send your child to a government school, when the child returns home, we will turn the family into an international school. We cannot change the education system or the school environment, but we have the ability and obligation to improve our children’s learning environment.

I will share the way I teach my children to learn. All three of my children study in Chinese primary schools. When they got home, I would not keep reviewing what the school taught them, or ask them to recite textbook knowledge, etc. Instead, I would observe which part of the child is stronger and weaker. My younger son is better Chinese because I taught him to recognise words from a young age, but his mathematics is not so good. In his primary two, he began to have problems with multiplication and division, and his other mathematical skills were also weak. Thus, I will first re-do the primary one practice questions for him, so that he can stabilize the foundation that he did not master in the first year. After establishing the foundation step by step, he will start to catch up two primary two’s syllabus.

As long as we use the right method, children’s learning can actually become relaxed and stress-free. The most important thing is to find out the “equation of learning”. This equation is to find out where the weaker part of the child is, to solve the basic root problems instead of forcing the child to repeatedly recite textbook knowledge blindly. If we recognize and see this as a parent, no matter how the Ministry of Education changes, no matter how much we disagree with the exams, the teacher’s teaching methods, but when our children return home, we can all do our best to give them the most effective learning environment.

In fact, have you ever thought that some of the knowledge in the textbooks and the teachers taught by the school may be out of date and not in line with the needs of modern society? That being the case, why do we have to force our children to memorize deadly all the textbook content? I think that as long as the children can get 80 points, but instead of urging them to try to get 20 more points, it is better to use this effort to encourage them to participate in extracurricular activities, allowing them to participate in group activities, come in contact with nature, and know more about what is happening in the world.

If every child reads and recites textbook knowledge just for the exam, they will never want to learn again when they grow up. All of us should be lifelong learners, so it is important to instil the learning ability and interest of children. If parents are able to accept such a concept, children will be happier because they will love learning. Learning passionately is not just to learn the content of textbooks, but to be curious about all aspects of knowledge, to love challenges, to leave the comfort zone to accept new methods and knowledge and this is the psychological qualities we hope children have.

If we change from ourselves and take the “exam” out, and focus on the child’s growth, and what the child will become, we will have more time and space to bring our children to truly understand the society and the world. Many children today don’t know how to interact with others. The role that they should play in society is unknown as they only know how to study. Parents just let their children study at home while the children don’t help with housework and have no interaction with their parents. When children grow up in such an environment, I actually feel saddened. Only when we allow the children pay less attention to the exam, participate in extracurricular activities from an early age, learn how to lead, how to cooperate with the team, cultivate good morals, learn how to accept failure… These can really help the children to have the ability to live in the future. Paying more attention to the development of the children’s body and soul will definitely make the children a better version of themselves.

I hope that after listening to some of my thoughts, I will help you to let go of some obsessions about the “examination” and redefine the direction to educate the children.

We having a special offer RM98 (4 lessons. Usual price is RM290) for our one-to-one Mandarin, Malay and English programmes as well as abacus mental arithmetic so that your child can experience the fun and unique learning at YelaoShr® Creative Learning Centre. This offer is valid at all 60 centres nationwide.

More info:

叶老师荣获星洲教育奖 Sin Chew Education Award

#08 A simple tip to tackle all your child education worries! Bringing up your child is easy and relaxing!

With just a simple tip, parents can educate your children in a relaxing manner and your children’s learning and growing process can be filled with happiness! Educator – Mdm Ye personally pens her secret to education.


Allow children to study in Chinese primary schools but turn your homes into international schools

Even though international schools had rapidly increased in number, there are still a large portion of parents who willingly send their children to Chinese primary schools for education but in their hearts, they are worried that their children will be faced with large amounts of stress.

A brand new 2019 school session has begun, in double income families, parents would send their children to tuition classes and childcare centres. Back at home, parents would need to get piles of reference books from the bookstore. Each time exams commences, parents would take leave to help their children revise the syllabus, afraid that they will not catch up in any subject, failed the exam passing rate and rank low in class.

There are also another group of parents who place their children entirely into the school teachers, tuition teachers, child care teachers’ hands. At home, children will not learn and read just because these parents feel that they have studied enough outside of their homes. When their children have poor results, another tuition teacher is changed instead of truly finding the roots of the problem.

In truth, we can all be better parents to provide more efficient learning to our children.

Have you ever thought of changing yourself into the best teacher your children admire?

Turning your homes into freestyle learning mode as international schools to fully develop your children’s potential?

First and foremost, we need to set a learning goal for our children.

Yes, you heard me right. One goal is enough because we have limited time.
To enter the Chinese circular primary school, has your child learned and recognised enough words? This is because children need to write and do their homework, read notices given out, look at timetables, learn other subjects such as Pendidikan Moral, Science and Mathematics which are all in Chinese words! Can your children truly comprehend the textbooks and workbooks? That is why it is of utmost importance to first tackle the foundation of recognizing large volume of words. Only then can your children truly learn in relaxation!

叶老师 想当年 三个孩子
This is my 13 years ago “Days in the past” photo. At the age of 18, I already had a family with a child.

My method is to tackle the volume of Chinese words recognised prior to children being sent to primary school. They need to know at least 500 commonly used words. Writing words, learning Chinese syllables, spelling and constructing sentences I will not teach as they will learn them when they go to school. If children have already learnt everything in advance, they will feel bored at school. If parents have very limited time, it is the basics and lowest requirement to get your children to learn up at least 200 words.

When your children get to primary school, there is no need to ensure that all subjects are caught up with the syllables and progress. Just use half a year to catch up to one subject is good enough!

In the first year, it is important to build a strong foundation in languages. After mastering Chinese, then continue with Bahasa Malaysia. Due to the fact that children are rarely exposed to Bahasa Malaysia, they are commonly weaker in this language. Why not focus on English? That is because children nowadays can read, English cartoons or storybooks. Hence, no need to worry. It should be understood that our time is limited, our children’s time are also limited. Therefore, we start focussing on one subject would be adequate.

叶老师 自己投入教育行业
While learning to become a good mother, I started to venture into the education industry, learning step by step.

Parents would start to ask the next question: What about other subjects? Mathematics, Moral and Science are all very hard! My concept is that even if children are unable to understand, it is okay! It is because the children do not understand these various subjects due to inadequate words recognised. When words are not recognised, they will not be able to read then understand. Thus, not being able to read and understand exam questions and subsequently unable to answer them is very normal!

I also feel that the morals of children should not be evaluated by exam marks! Shall we just let it be? It is not so. Subjects such as mathematics and science are not just plain memorising subjects. Both these subjects require interesting teaching methods to induce a learning interest in the children and they will naturally be passionate in solving questions!

感恩遇到很多好老师 叶老师
I am grateful for encountering many great teachers that worked together towards something we believe in; 1-to-1 teaching, teaching according to children’s standards

If your child is already primary 3 or 4 or even primary 5 and 6 but you realised, they are weaker in any subject, then the child should start learning from the level he/she understands! For instance, a primary 3 child is very weak in mathematics, we can allow the child to complete workbook exercises for primary 1 and 2 to find out the root of the problems and start from basics, only then can the child catch up to the primary 3 standards!

A children-centred education concept is to learn based on the children’s personal levels and standards. If children are already excellent in studies, then these children should learn knowledge outside of the textbooks; if they are weaker, allow them to be focused on learning just one subject in the upcoming half to one year. To support this point, parents would need to let go of the obsession on marks, to ignore the marks of other subjects, it doesn’t matter if they could not catch up and just to focus on one subject is adequate. I would usually suggest parents should start first on learning how to recognise words and read. If the foundation is not stable, how could parents expect to see their children excel in every subject?

In addition, parents should also carefully observe and discover their children’s interest. Not every child is strong is language or maths and science. Do not bury your children’s gift in sports, arts and creativity. Also, it doesn’t mean that children who do not perform well in primary school will not perform well in secondary school. We should have more faith and hope in our children and believe that they can do it!

Started Yelaoshr Learning Centre because of my own children. Today, entering the 14th year, such perseverance is for many more other children.

Turning your homes into international schools, parents becoming educators; these are the things that we can choose to do to educate our children. We do not need to be perfect parents to qualify to teach out children. In reality, our children are already learning our every move in our daily lives. We just need to grow and learn with them step by step!

We having a special offer RM98 (4 lessons. Usual price is RM290) for our one-to-one Mandarin, Malay and English programmes as well as abacus mental arithmetic so that your child can experience the fun and unique learning at YelaoShr® Creative Learning Centre. This offer is valid at all 60 centres nationwide.

More info:

Board games, STEM, KBAT, new trends in global education that parents need to know

In this era where Google can search for everything, education background does not mean everything. The children we want to train are those with the spirit of innovative thinking, no fear of mistakes and failures, and the ability to act on ideas. In this parent-child workshop, you and your child will be engaged in the “action-based” experience, and gain an in-depth understanding of the new learning trends of board games, STEM, and KBAT that global education is committed to!

桌住亲子好关系 桌游 许永清 许奶爸

Workshop (1): 9am – 12pm

Bond relationship on the table, develop learning skills with board games

Parent-child companionship, the child’s learning ability, starts by playing a board game with the children!

Taiwan’s famous board game tutor – Xu Yongqing, a dad who loves to play with children and loves to play more than children! In recent years, he has been working on the promotion of parent-child board games. Everyone loves to call him “Daddy Xu.” Currently studying at the National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education at National Chung Cheng University, he is continuously developing the possibilities of table games!

Once, he was a dad who scolds his children everyday. What magical power does the board game have, so that he has such a huge change? Let Daddy Xu tell you what magic does board games do in the parent-child relationship, as “family relationship”, “family cohesion”, “children’s learning ability” can definitely be developed by board games!

Profile of Xu Yongqing:

  • External lecturer in all level teachers’ institute
  • Lecturer of board games course in Taiwan University
  • “Parent-child Board Games 100” Special Judge
  • Author of “Close Parent-Child Relationship All in Board Games”

How the workshop is conducted:
In the three-hour workshop, parents and children will be separated in two classrooms for the first two hours. Parents will be led by Xu Yongqing instructor to learn the operation of parent-child board games and master the spirit and philosophy of board games. At the same time, the child is led by a group of board game guides to let the children participate in the board game to stimulate the children’s potential learning and enthusiasm.

Then in the last hour, parents and children will be gathered in the same classroom, and Xu Yongqing tutor will guide parents on how to take the experience earlier of a parent-child board game with their children—-Bond relationship on the table, develop learning skills with board games!

创客与高思维 STEM KBAT 何永良

Workshop (2): 1pm – 4pm

The craftsmanship and higher order thinking skills that children must possess

In this era when Google can search for everything, education background does not mean everything. This is why global education has begun to promote STEM makers and KBAT higher order-thinking education. The children we want to train are those with innovative thinking, not afraid of mistakes and failures, and the ability to make ideas.

In this workshop, we will lead you to the “hands-on” learning experience with your child, and deeply understand the true purpose of STEM Maker and KBAT / Higher Order Thinking Education!

Profile of Ho Weng Leong:

  • Co-founder and Chief Trainer of YELAOSHR ACADEMY
  • Training Director of HOTSMATHS Maker and Higher Order Thinking Skills Course
  • Author of “The secrets of happier parents – Inspiration”

How the workshop is conducted:
In this three-hour workshop, parents and children will be in the same classroom, through “hands-on”, to get to know, understand, experience, what is the STEM maker spirit, what is KBAT high-thinking education, and understand both major impact on the child’s future.

  • Date: 23rd March (Saturday)
  • Time: 9am – 4pm
  • Venue: Cempaka Apartment Hotel, Cheras
  • Suitable participants: parents and children aged 6 to 12
  • Admission ticket:
    • Parent: RM180/pax
    • Child : RM80/pax
    • Registration before 10th march (charges includes lunch):
    • (Children will also receive a STEM learning tool worth RM50, while stocks last.)
      • 1 parent + 1 child: RM160RM160 (original price RM260)
      • Additional father or mother, 1 person: RM80 (original price RM180)
      • Additional children (brothers and sisters), 1 person:RM50(original price RM80)

>For enrolled students and their families from [Teacher Yap] center, you can also enjoy additional benefits. Kindly get more information from the teachers at [Teacher Yap] centerfor additional offers.

Contact hotline: 016-8116559 | You can also click directly to>> Whatsapp

Limited seats, buy tickets now

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