Why should we stick to one-on-one teaching?

The benefits and positive impacts of one-on-one teaching on children are quite clear. It can significantly improve their literacy development as well as their comprehension and independent learning abilities at various stages.

First, let’s discuss the advantages of one-on-one teaching. Eighteen years ago, many educational institutions and tutoring centers were hesitant to adopt this teaching method, but YelaoShr® has steadfastly chosen it. Why?

Many educators resist one-on-one teaching because they fear the difficulty of addressing diverse student needs. However, it is precisely this personalized attention and teaching approach that has led to its significant success in education. Compared to traditional large class teaching, one-on-one teaching offers unique advantages.

First, it allows for high levels of focus. In a large class setting, a teacher often needs to take care of 30 to 40 students, making it hard to ensure that each student gets sufficient attention and guidance. However, in one-on-one teaching, a teacher can fully focus on one student, ensuring their learning process receives thorough attention and guidance.

Second, one-on-one teaching accommodates each child’s learning pace. Every child learns at a different speed and has different needs, which traditional large class teaching cannot meet. In one-on-one settings, a teacher can tailor individual learning plans according to each child’s situation, ensuring they absorb knowledge in the shortest possible time. This means no child is left behind, and each one has the opportunity to learn at their own pace.

Third, one-on-one teaching provides more opportunities for listening. Children who are listened to feel less psychological pressure, are more willing to express themselves, and become more confident in learning. Cultivating this confidence is crucial to a child’s learning process, as confident children are more likely to overcome learning obstacles and actively engage in their studies.

What positive impacts does one-on-one teaching have on children?

For children aged 3 to 6, literacy is one of the most important foundations of learning, directly affecting their future attitudes towards education. If a child has low literacy, they may lose interest in learning and be reluctant to follow adults’ instructions. However, through one-on-one teaching, children can learn to read at a higher rate, boosting their confidence, improving their thinking skills, and enhancing their ability to ask questions. This lays a solid foundation for their educational journey.

For children aged 7 to 12, comprehension and independent learning abilities become crucial. If a child struggles with comprehension, they might develop a negative attitude towards learning and find it difficult to understand and cope with school materials. However, one-on-one teaching can enhance a child’s comprehension skills, enabling them to study independently and confidently face academic challenges.

The benefits of one-on-one teaching are clear. It provides high levels of focus, personalized education, more listening opportunities, and accelerates learning speed. This positively affects children’s learning abilities and confidence, laying a solid foundation for their future academic and career success. Despite some challenges, one-on-one teaching is undoubtedly an effective educational method, particularly suitable for families who want to provide personalized care and guidance to their children. YelaoShr® continues to advocate for one-on-one teaching because we believe it offers the best educational experience and academic achievements for every child.

Online Learning vs Traditional Learning

The evolutionary landscape of education includes discussions about online versus traditional learning, which has provoked the urgency of critical discussions in the pedagogical domain. Amidst the transformation of technology, the debate on the effectiveness of traditional and modern learning methods has gained traction. The debates have been triggered, and education professionals and students alike have been forced to reconsider and redefine the very essence of education.

This article shows our unblinkered efforts in finding online and traditional learning approaches. We will explore how the digital platform revolution has reworked the educational landscape and how the old-fashioned classroom can still be an efficient tool. Our article examines both approaches’ pros, cons and implications in light of the changing nature of education in a technologically driven environment.

Let us make this discovery together as we explore this section of the educational division and consider the fate of learning.

Structure and Flexibility

Online Learning

Online learning incorporates flexibility in education. It enables students to apply in self-paced mode by allowing them to choose their speed of passing courses and completing assigned materials according to their learning styles and timetables. This type of learning usually supports those juggling a load of responsibilities, namely education and work or family. Accessing coursework from any location and time also means that students can tailor their study schedules to fit their needs, leading to a more personalised and adaptable educational experience.

Traditional Learning

In contrast, traditional learning provides a structured environment that many students find beneficial for maintaining discipline and a steady pace of study. Fixed schedules and in-person interaction with instructors and peers create a sense of community and accountability that can enhance the learning process. This structure ensures a consistent routine, which can be particularly helpful for learners who thrive under direct guidance and the social dynamics of a classroom setting, such as group discussions, presentations, and face-to-face feedback. However, this rigidity can be less accommodating to those with fluctuating schedules or external commitments.

Interaction and Support

Online Learning

Online learning platforms facilitate interaction through various digital channels. Forums and messaging systems generally become the platform where students can connect with instructors and other students, limiting communication only to the times when different time zones and time schedules enable asynchronous communication. In addition, online programs can be scheduled to look like face-to-face experiences, with interactive video sessions that will increase the participant’s understanding of the materials and the bond among community members. While this interaction offers greater flexibility, it may need more immediacy and the personal touch of traditional classroom settings.

Traditional Learning

Traditional learning environments excel in providing immediate and direct interaction. Students have the advantage of in-person support from instructors, enabling quick clarification of doubts and more dynamic discussions. The physical presence of classmates also allows for spontaneous peer support and collaborative learning opportunities. This direct access to support networks is invaluable for many learners, as it can lead to deeper engagement with the material and a more robust educational experience.


Online Learning

Online learning is often lauded for its cost-effectiveness. Without the need for physical classroom space, many of the overhead expenses associated with traditional learning environments are significantly reduced or eliminated. This can result in lower tuition fees and the absence of costs related to commuting or housing. Additionally, online courses often provide digital textbooks and resources, which can further decrease the financial burden on students.

Traditional Learning

Conversely, traditional learning typically incurs higher costs. The maintenance of campus facilities, administrative staff, and in-person instruction contribute to the overall expenses. Students attending traditional institutions may also face additional costs for housing, transportation, and physical textbooks, which can add a substantial amount to the total investment in their education.

Engagement and Learning Styles

Online Learning

Online learning often employs diverse learning materials such as videos, simulations, and interactive exercises to engage students. These multimedia resources cater to various learning styles, allowing individuals to absorb information through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic means. Furthermore, the flexibility of online platforms enables learners to revisit content at their own pace, reinforcing understanding and accommodating different learning speeds. This multimedia approach fosters active participation and enhances retention, creating a dynamic and immersive learning experience.

Traditional Learning

In contrast, the classroom environment of traditional learning typically caters to a more limited range of learning styles and teaching methods. While lectures and discussions are common, they may not fully engage students who learn best through hands-on activities or visual aids. Additionally, the fixed structure of traditional classrooms may restrict opportunities for personalised learning experiences tailored to individual preferences. Despite the presence of knowledgeable instructors, the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional education may not fully optimise the learning potential of all students.


The choice between online and traditional learning is more than just a one-size-fits-all decision. It hinges on individual preferences, circumstances, and goals. Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility and cost savings, making education accessible to a broader audience. Traditional knowledge, on the other hand, provides a structured and immersive experience with direct access to support and resources.

As we stand at the crossroads of education’s future, it is clear that both paths offer valuable experiences. For those seeking to embrace the digital revolution in education, YELAOSHR online tuition presents an excellent opportunity. With a commitment to quality education and student success, YELAOSHR is at the forefront of online learning, offering a diverse range of courses tailored to meet the needs of today’s learners.

Take the next step in your educational journey with confidence. Join YELAOSHR online tuition and unlock a world of knowledge that is flexible, affordable, and accessible. Enrol today and be part of a community that values innovation, support, and lifelong learning. Your future awaits!

Five Roles of Parents in Online Learning

In the modern network of education in which online learning is no longer an option but a reality, parents are the ones who must take the position of being gatekeepers to help kids prosper in the digital era. Aside from the supply of mandatory resources, parents will be the facilitators, mentors, communicators, creators of the environment, and emotional tether of the child from beginning to end in a virtual learning environment. Let’s delve deeper into these five essential roles: 

1. Facilitator of Technology

Today, the digital age is filled with technology, which plays the most crucial role in learning tools and interfaces. Parents are responsible for the children being able to use communal apparatus that functions appropriately and ensures that the network does not malfunction. They need to check the computer’s functioning frequently, promptly resolve tech problems, and update software simultaneously so that online classes are smooth and have few disruptions. Moreover, they play a key role in equipping their kids with digital literacy skills to enable them to cross various online platforms and accordingly take advantage of the different digital tools available.

2. Learning Coach

Learning becomes more diverse as it moves from the traditional classroom to virtual space; this gives rise to a generation of parents who become coaches and provide guidance and support to the learning process and their children. They plan schedules for study time, break time, and general extracurricular activities to support their children in being time-conscious and efficient. Not only will parents help locate study materials, mark assignments, and create a study schedule, but they will also be in complete control of the work schedule their child has ahead of them. This school strives to build a climate of motivation and to reward small but still significant wins, thus stimulating the growth mindset in the children and giving them the courage to overcome any obstacles.

3. Communication Liaison

Proper communication is the key to facilitating effective virtual learning. Parents perform as a bridge between their kids and instructors or school staff, effectively communicating by being specific and current. They remain updated about the class schedules, respective tasks and any variations in the curriculum or goals. The progress report is a common element of all educational institutions. It provides feedback on a student’s academic performance and behaviour, documenting their achievements and identifying areas for improvement. 

Parents and teachers play a voluminous role in coordination, in which both parents seek information whenever they don’t understand and advocate for their children’s needs. Virtual parent-teacher meetings involve sharing about the child’s performance and the options for problem-solving, as well as assurance and cooperation in helping their child’s education.

4. Environment Creator

The study environment is vital to how a student focuses and becomes productive when learning through online classes. Parents, above all, should be involved in creating an ideal learning environment for their children within their house. The allocation of a designated area for online classes, which is away from noise and clutter, would be proper; it should also encompass distraction minimization, utilizing comfortable seating and good lighting. In addition, many of them bring home school supplies like notebooks, pins, and headsets to streamline their children’s learning process.

5. Emotional Support

Exploring a new educational model is academically demanding and emotionally challenging, especially in uncertain and disruptive times. Parents are the most significant fountain of emotions for their kids, providing them sympathy, cheerfulness and aid. They swell from having the failed heart together with her child while recognizing his best efforts in the struggle, even the small ones. On the other hand, parents instruct their children in stress and anxiety management skills, which in turn develop such vital abilities as resilience and psychological well-being that are required for effective learning in online mode.


Parents are as important as the teaching staff in the children’s journey in online education. Parents unquestionably contribute to the student’s academic achievements and holistic advancement by adopting these five critical roles- informatics dirigent, instruction mentor, communication intermediary, formation environment, and emotional leader. Along with the challenges and opportunities of digital education, parents act as a respectable means to enable their children to take up the new territory and handle it effectively. 

Make the mission of your child’s experience better by joining YELAOSHR’s Online tuition program Now. Then, you will give your children more opportunities and help them exploit their capabilities.

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