
Start Your Educational Journey: YelaoShr® Professional Collaboration Guide

In recent years, the education sector has been widely recognized as a booming field, attracting increasing attention and investment. This trend is driven by several factors. Firstly, with the continuous development and progress of the economy and society, people’s demand and expectations for education are also rising.

Education is seen as a crucial way to enhance personal qualities and competitiveness, thus gaining more importance. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of the internet and information technology, the education industry is undergoing a digital and intelligent transformation, offering vast space and possibilities for educational innovation. Moreover, the emphasis and support from local governments for education are significant factors driving the development of the education sector.

Let's explore why the education industry is currently a booming field:

1. Rising Education Levels and Changing Educational Concepts:

As society develops and the economy progresses, people’s expectations for education also increase. More and more families are willing to invest more resources in improving their children’s education, which drives the development of the education sector.

2. Technological Innovation and the Rise of Online Education:

Technological advancements have brought significant changes to education, making online education possible. Through the internet, students can access broader and more flexible educational resources, injecting new vitality into the education industry.

3. Government Policies and Promotion:

The Malaysian government has repeatedly emphasized the importance of improving the quality of local early childhood education in the “Education Blueprint 2013-2025” report! Since the release of this blueprint plan, the number of daycare centers, kindergartens, and early education centers has been increasing! Parents are realizing the importance of laying a solid foundation for early childhood education.

4. Recognition of Creative Learning by Society:

With the continuous acceleration of social development, the concept of creative learning has gradually gained widespread recognition. People are beginning to realize that education is not only for employment but also for personal development and social progress. This change in perception also drives the development of the education sector.

Do you want to start your own educational business?

If you dream of owning your own educational center, want to be a center owner, and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams but worry about the challenges of starting and running a business, and fear losses? Don’t worry, now is your opportunity to realize your dreams! YelaoShr® warmly welcomes you to join us, and together we will help you succeed, saying goodbye to blind exploration!

5 Reasons to Propel Your Career

1. Malaysia’s Top-Rated Brand

YelaoShr®, Malaysia’s leading pioneer in early childhood education, has been steadily developing in the industry for 19 years. We prioritize quality and adhere to consistent brand standards, earning the trust and praise of countless parents.

2. Extensive Customer Base

Our student base is not limited to the Chinese market but also includes the Malay and Indian markets. With the growing trend of learning Chinese, the demand from students is continuous, bringing a stable flow of customers to your education center.

3. Proven Profitable Model

After 19 years of market validation, YelaoShr® has developed a mature profitable model, saving you a lot of exploration time. Our model withstands market tests, helping you easily replicate a successful business model.

4. Comprehensive Management System

No need to explore on your own; YelaoShr® provides a complete management system to improve operational efficiency and simplify complicated processes. Our strong back-end team will fully support you during the store opening process, helping you easily handle various challenges.

5. Flexible Collaboration Agreements

The market is ever-changing, and flexible adaptation is key to staying ahead. Our flexible collaboration agreements can be adjusted according to market changes, helping you maintain a competitive edge.

YelaoShr® Collaboration Models

  • · Joint-Venture Collaboration Model
  • · Territory Joint-Venture Collaboration Model
  • · Tuition Centre Conversion Model

Compared to other industries, collaborating with YelaoShr® offers advantages such as low capital, low risk, high returns, and strong stability.

If you are passionate about the early childhood education industry, we sincerely invite you to join us and start your own early childhood education center. If you already own a tuition center, we also welcome you to participate in our Tuition Centre Conversion Model and join us in moving forward together.

Currently, we have over 60 branches across Malaysia, mainly in Penang, Taiping, Ipoh, Klang Valley, Seremban, Johor, Kuching, Miri, and Kota Kinabalu. More branches are expected to open this year!

Don’t miss this rare opportunity! Contact us now to learn more about YelaoShr®’s market positioning and collaboration details. Let’s work together to take the education industry to new heights!

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