
Five Roles of Parents in Online Learning

Mother with her kid taking online tuition class

In the modern network of education in which online learning is no longer an option but a reality, parents are the ones who must take the position of being gatekeepers to help kids prosper in the digital era. Aside from the supply of mandatory resources, parents will be the facilitators, mentors, communicators, creators of the environment, and emotional tether of the child from beginning to end in a virtual learning environment. Let’s delve deeper into these five essential roles: 

1. Facilitator of Technology

Today, the digital age is filled with technology, which plays the most crucial role in learning tools and interfaces. Parents are responsible for the children being able to use communal apparatus that functions appropriately and ensures that the network does not malfunction. They need to check the computer’s functioning frequently, promptly resolve tech problems, and update software simultaneously so that online classes are smooth and have few disruptions. Moreover, they play a key role in equipping their kids with digital literacy skills to enable them to cross various online platforms and accordingly take advantage of the different digital tools available.

2. Learning Coach

Learning becomes more diverse as it moves from the traditional classroom to virtual space; this gives rise to a generation of parents who become coaches and provide guidance and support to the learning process and their children. They plan schedules for study time, break time, and general extracurricular activities to support their children in being time-conscious and efficient. Not only will parents help locate study materials, mark assignments, and create a study schedule, but they will also be in complete control of the work schedule their child has ahead of them. This school strives to build a climate of motivation and to reward small but still significant wins, thus stimulating the growth mindset in the children and giving them the courage to overcome any obstacles.

3. Communication Liaison

Proper communication is the key to facilitating effective virtual learning. Parents perform as a bridge between their kids and instructors or school staff, effectively communicating by being specific and current. They remain updated about the class schedules, respective tasks and any variations in the curriculum or goals. The progress report is a common element of all educational institutions. It provides feedback on a student’s academic performance and behaviour, documenting their achievements and identifying areas for improvement. 

Parents and teachers play a voluminous role in coordination, in which both parents seek information whenever they don’t understand and advocate for their children’s needs. Virtual parent-teacher meetings involve sharing about the child’s performance and the options for problem-solving, as well as assurance and cooperation in helping their child’s education.

4. Environment Creator

The study environment is vital to how a student focuses and becomes productive when learning through online classes. Parents, above all, should be involved in creating an ideal learning environment for their children within their house. The allocation of a designated area for online classes, which is away from noise and clutter, would be proper; it should also encompass distraction minimization, utilizing comfortable seating and good lighting. In addition, many of them bring home school supplies like notebooks, pins, and headsets to streamline their children’s learning process.

5. Emotional Support

Exploring a new educational model is academically demanding and emotionally challenging, especially in uncertain and disruptive times. Parents are the most significant fountain of emotions for their kids, providing them sympathy, cheerfulness and aid. They swell from having the failed heart together with her child while recognizing his best efforts in the struggle, even the small ones. On the other hand, parents instruct their children in stress and anxiety management skills, which in turn develop such vital abilities as resilience and psychological well-being that are required for effective learning in online mode.


Parents are as important as the teaching staff in the children’s journey in online education. Parents unquestionably contribute to the student’s academic achievements and holistic advancement by adopting these five critical roles- informatics dirigent, instruction mentor, communication intermediary, formation environment, and emotional leader. Along with the challenges and opportunities of digital education, parents act as a respectable means to enable their children to take up the new territory and handle it effectively. 

Make the mission of your child’s experience better by joining YELAOSHR’s Online tuition program Now. Then, you will give your children more opportunities and help them exploit their capabilities.

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