The Leading Preschool in Malaysia for Early Childhood Education and One-on-One Trilingual (Word Recognition & Reading) Learning Centre

Student-Centered Learning

Every child is unique, with unique combinations of abilities and needs that effect learning. And all children deserve the opportunity to learn in ways that make the most of their strengths.

Carol Yap, Founder

carol yap, the founder of yelaoshr

Student-Centered Learning

Every child is unique, with unique combinations of abilities and needs that effect learning. And all children deserve the opportunity to learn in ways that make the most of their strengths.

Carol Yap, Founder

Carol Yap, Founder of yelaoshr
Carol Yap, Founder of YelaoShr® Education Group, be elected as HundrED Ambassador. (HundrED is a global not-for-profit organization, which seeks and shares inspiring innovations in K12 education.)
Carol Yap, Founder of YelaoShr® Education Group, be elected as HundrED Ambassador.
(HundrED is a global not-for-profit organization, which seeks and shares inspiring innovations in K12 education.)

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Creative Preschool

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Junior Educare

YelaoShr® is the best preschool in malaysia that makes all the difference when teaching children learn to read & read to learn.











Because every child is unique, we focus on face-to-face counseling.

Please bring your child along for the appointment to enjoy a FREE Preliminary Learning Assessment (worth RM150).

Resources for parents

Because every child is unique, we focus on face-to-face counseling.

Please bring your child along for the appointment to enjoy a FREE Preliminary Learning Assessment (worth RM150).

Fear not, my dear. I am here for you!

Angel Owl Children Education Charity Project

Established in 2018, Angel Owl Children Education Charity Project is initiated by David Yap and Carol Yap, the founders and owners of YelaoShr® Education Group. It aims to raise awareness among government bodies and the public about dyslexia so that dyslexic children and teenagers can gain the help and support they need to improve their learning and living environment. Angel Owl Children Education Charity Project also provides financial aid to help support the education of children with dyslexia as well as children from single-parent and underprivileged families.

Develop Your child’s skills With the Best Mandarin Preschool in Malaysia

Development refers to adjustments in your child’s physical development. Additionally, your child’s social, emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and communication skills may have changed. These several areas of development are interconnected, and each one affects and depends on the others.

Millions of connections are made in children’s brains throughout the first five years of life due to experiences and relationships that stimulate brain growth. Children’s brains form connections more quickly in the first five years than any other period of their life. The foundations for learning, health, and behaviour throughout life are set during this period.

Children’s brains are wired to learn from birth and grow as they are used.erisque enim Stimulating and caring environments with many different activities give children plenty of ways to play, develop and learn, and many chances to practise what they’re learning.


Develop Your child’s skills With the Best Preschool in Malaysia

Development refers to adjustments in your child’s physical development. Additionally, your child’s social, emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and communication skills may have changed. These several areas of development are interconnected, and each one affects and depends on the others.

Millions of connections are made in children’s brains throughout the first five years of life due to experiences and relationships that stimulate brain growth. Children’s brains form connections more quickly in the first five years than any other period of their life. The foundations for learning, health, and behaviour throughout life are set during this period.

Children’s brains are wired to learn from birth and grow as they are used.erisque enim Stimulating and caring environments with many different activities give children plenty of ways to play, develop and learn, and many chances to practise what they’re learning.


What is a Preschool?

There are a few similarities between preschools and pre-kindergartens. They fall within the pre primary category, which attempts to encourage children’s preparedness for kindergarten and other forms of education. Preschools strongly focus on the value of play, exploration, and hands-on learning. Preschools offer music, dance, painting, physical activity, and dramatic play. Preschools and kindergartens also support children’s learning and development on a developmental level. Along with academic skills, a child will develop communication skills, self-confidence, and self-esteem during their preschool years. Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, is credited with coining the word “kindergarten.” The Kindergarten Movement popularised that students are like living things, and instructors are like the gardeners who tend to them.  

Why Is Preschool Important for Your Children

Preschool Important for Your Children As adults, we don’t often think twice about performing routine duties like setting the table, pouring a drink into a cup, or speaking with a coworker. These are considered sensory activities for young children, which means they are honing essential life skills that will help them in the future. Though they may not seem important to you, regular preschool activities can have a tremendous effect on young children’s bodies and minds. Here are a few instances:

Social and Emotional Development

Your child spends a half day in a preschool setting with a kind instructor and a group of peers. Preschool programmes offer a nurturing environment where teachers build close relationships with the kids in charge. Children grow up in a similar atmosphere at home, where there is identical affection and attention. In a preschool setting where many other kids their age, children also learn how to manage their emotions. Teachers can help students develop emotional self-regulation by teaching them how to control their irritation and anger through practical classroom experiences with peers. When they may exhibit reluctance to share at home, concepts like sharing are still subtly ingrained. Preschool curricula are meant to inculcate all these attributes through guided play.  

Structure and Discipline

It occurs to me that we frequently struggle with structure and discipline at home. On one day, we work on it, and on another, we let go. A preschool has a lot of design and discipline in daily activities, even though it may seem like a relaxed environment to the kids. The classroom setting itself is created to promote social interaction and reduce tensions. There are preschool rules, such as where to store your shoes and bags, washing your hands before snacks and after using the restroom, when to say “please” and “thank you,” and many others. These norms are effectively taught in a setting where teachers and students are present. You’ll observe that learning all this will come much more naturally to your child than at home.  

Taking Care of Themselves

Children learn to look after themselves and those around them in a preschool setting. Teachers encourage young children to engage by giving them opportunities to assist in class and school. When you ask your child to help you at home, you might be unable to do that. Teachers can accomplish this activity more successful when working with a group of students. Teachers also exhort students to be trustworthy. For instance, a youngster who has mastered the skill of tying shoelaces is urged to assist younger children who are still learning.  

Maths, language, literacy, and cognitive abilities

Children learn new words quickly and can employ them successfully in conversation in a linguistically rich environment. In Preschool, children can learn. All the hands-on activities bolster a child’s cognitive abilities they engage in. Math concepts are engagingly introduced in classroom activities to capture a child’s attention. Games of matching and sorting, board games with number sequences, and various other puzzles contribute to this. The appropriate literacy skills needed for this level are taught to young children through nursery rhymes and short stories. They can better remember the knowledge when doing this as a group.  

Motor Skills

Young children spend most of the day moving about and being active, as you’ll notice. Preschool programmes allow kids to expend energy through playing, climbing, and running constructively. With tasks like beading and lacing, kids can hone gross and fine motor skills simultaneously. Through all of these activities, they can improve their hand-eye coordination. Their confidence is increased, and kids are more equipped to handle the demands of Primary school after learning all these abilities. Every kid needs a supportive preschool setting to mature appropriately and be prepared for elementary school.  

What Do Kids Learn at Preschool?

Kids Learn at Preschool It’s not all fun and games at preschool. Preschoolers learn by having fun and playing games! According to research, future school success in both math and reading is correlated with the development of early literacy and numeracy skills in preschool. Preschoolers are particularly interested in learning more about the math and scientific ideas presented below, and their positive attitudes can help them succeed in school in the future. Preschoolers also acquire critical cognitive abilities as they roam around their classrooms and manage toys, puzzles, and shapes.

Reading in Preschool

Preschoolers improve their literacy abilities all day, not only during the allotted “reading” hour. All subjects are taught through read-aloud, poetry, songs, and rhymes, and classrooms are stocked with labelled signs and items to encourage children to create associations between letters and numbers and objects and words.  

Writing in Preschool

Preschoolers’ day-to-day arts and crafts activities help them acquire many of their early writing skills. Preschoolers improve their hand strength and fine motor abilities to grip and utilise pens and pencils as they paint, draw, cut, stick, and glue. They also strengthen their fine motor skills. Of course, your preschooler’s reading is closely related to the growth of her literacy and writing abilities.  

Maths in Preschool

Learning numbers, counting, constructing and learning shapes, and using calendars are all regular preschool arithmetic activities. Preschoolers can practise and develop their arithmetic abilities while playing with puzzles, construction toys, blocks, and games as they count, handle things, and work with various forms, spaces, and sizes.  

Science in Preschool

Specific science lessons are frequently taught by teachers once to several times per week. The class will study a particular subject (such as water, weather, animals, plants, and wildlife) during this period through literature, demonstrations of natural objects, outdoor adventures, or interactive activities. Preschoolers are also natural scientists since they play and explore their surroundings while thinking critically. They continuously discover and learn new things as they play outside, investigate raw materials, and play with toys like clay, sandboxes, and water tables.  

Social Emotional Learning in Preschool

Preschoolers engage with each other in a preschool classroom throughout the day as they learn how to share, take turns, and cooperate. They develop their social skills and learn how to be great students through these encounters.  

What age is preschool in Malaysia?

A preschooler is typically between the ages of three and six. Children who attend preschool are better prepared to start elementary school. Children in Malaysian national schools begin Standard 1 (the first year of elementary school) at age seven. Preschool often begins when a child is four or five years old. Additionally, there are programmes for three-year-olds. However, parents alone are responsible for deciding when their child will start preschool. Parents who want to enrol their kids in preschool should consider several things. Age, maturity, sociability, and temperament are a few elements.  

How Do I Know if My Child Is Ready for Preschool?

girl learning at preschool Knowing what indicators to look for will make it simple for you to determine when your kids are prepared for preschool. Sometimes, these indications are pronounced, but other times, they are a little harder to spot. By looking for these five indicators, you can tell if you are sending your child to preschool at the right time. You should be aware that not every child will exhibit all of these indicators, but your child may still be prepared for preschool. It is very much a case-by-case matter, and you know your child best.
    • They are Able To Spend Time Alone
Younger children frequently experience separation anxiety because it is the first time they are not with their parents. It will be simpler for your child to settle into preschool and not annoy the other kids if they are willing and able to spend time apart from you. If you are unsure, you can find out if they will be unhappy spending a long day apart from you by letting them stay with a babysitter or relative for the day. In either case, this is a vital sign of your child’s readiness.
    • They are Completely Potty Trained
Children must be potty trained to attend preschool, a frequent requirement. The requirement helps your child have a good time, but it’s also there to keep them happy and prevent embarrassing accidents from happening. It’s vital to keep in mind that accidents do occur, and when they do, your child will likely find them less awkward than going in their pants every day.
    • They can Concentrate on a Task for a Longer Period of Time
When you enrol your child in preschool, they must be able to focus on one thing for an extended amount of time. Preschool assignments typically take fifteen to twenty minutes to complete. You must ensure that your youngster can concentrate for that amount of time without becoming distracted to prevent any problems.
    • They are Able to Interact with Other Children
When your child starts preschool, they will interact with other kids. To prevent your child from getting upset or starting a fight with the other kids, you must ensure they are prepared to interact with them. Socialising your youngster as frequently as possible is an excellent assist strategy. They must understand how to share, take turns, ask nicely, and listen to the teacher and other children.
    • They Have Plenty of Stamina to Complete a School Day
The school days typically last a little longer than what many children are used to. Due to this, you must ensure that your child has the strength to help them finish the day or at the very least make it to a scheduled nap time. Children frequently become irritable or furious when they run out of steam, which might result in calls to the parents. Whether or not your child can tolerate a full preschool day is another crucial determinant of readiness for preschool.  

How do I prepare my child for preschool?

prepare your child for preschool Beginning preschool is a significant milestone for both you and your child. The adjustment to learning to spend time apart can be challenging, but starting the formal learning process is also thrilling. Here are eight suggestions to ease the transition to preschool.
    1. Visit together
Plan to visit your child’s new school with them before the first day if you are possible. Explore the classroom and play on the playground together. This will make school a familiar location for them when they start their first day.
    1. Make new friends
Plan a playdate with kids from your child’s class if you can. They can get to know one another before the start of school.
    1. Play school together at home
To assist your child get acclimated to preschool, engage them in pretend play. Act out various routines, such as story time, song time, and nap time. You may even reverse the roles and make your youngster the instructor. This will lessen worry on the first day of school and help your youngster see school as a happy place.
    1. Turn getting-ready skills into a game
Practice putting on a backpack, closing buttons and zippers, and hanging coats and jackets from hooks. Consider making putting on your shoes a game to see how quickly you can do it!
    1. Share your experience
Share your first school experiences, feelings, and memorable moments with your young child. Find early childhood pictures of yourself or other well-known, dependable adults, and discuss them with your child.
    1. Create a new routine
Several weeks before school starts, have your child practise the new bedtime and wake-up time they will need for preschool. Choose a rest that will allow them to get a good night’s sleep and a wake-up time that is early enough that neither of you will have to rush out the door in the morning. You’ll have enough time to adjust as a result. If you have the time, you might even establish a new custom of choosing clothes the night before school and sharing breakfast.  

How Much Does Preschool Cost in Malaysia?

Preschool costs vary widely depending on whether they are privately owned or run by the government. Usually, the monthly fee for preschool in Malaysia ranges from RM800 – RM1500. As a result, parents must locate a preschool that fits within their means.  

What is the difference between preschool and kindergarten?

A Pre-Kindergarten classroom is for children who are 4-5 years old and will be entering Kindergarten the following school year, whereas a Preschool classroom is for children who are 3-4 years old and experiencing their first classroom environment. A “kindergarten prep” class is another name for pre-kindergarten. Okay, so the classroom they are in will depend on their age, but are the lessons they are learning and the curriculum that different? YES! A preschool classroom has a clear, adaptable timetable that provides many chances for unstructured playtime. Many of the kids in this class have never been in a classroom setting, have never been away from home, and have never been around many other kids their age. Children have the best opportunity at preschool to connect and develop social skills with other 3–4-year-olds, start their academic journey by laying the groundwork in arithmetic, reading, and phonics, and gain independence while growing up. Pre-Kindergarten classrooms are set up with a more detailed, planned schedule that still allows for playtime but also reflects and gets children ready for what they will experience in Kindergarten. The kids in this class will keep developing the fundamental abilities they started growing up in preschool. These competencies will align with what the school districts need a child to master before Kindergarten.  

Is preschool cheaper than nursery?

Because newborns need more hands-on care from teachers and have a smaller student-to-teacher ratio than older children, nursery generally costs more than preschool.  

How to Choose a Preschool in Malaysia?

Choose a Preschool in Malaysia

Learn About Curriculum Types

Be aware of the learning styles that will best serve your child and the objectives you hold most important. A school that offers scheduled courses will be more appropriate if you prioritise academic instruction. On the other hand, a more adaptable curriculum and play-based will work better for a tactile learner.  

Observe a Class or Plan a Trial

Most schools permit either a trial class or organised observation (when you can witness a lesson in action) (where your child can participate). Try these, and don’t forget to inquire frequently!  

Check for Day Care or After-School Classes

Check to check whether preschools provide after-school care or classes if you require it for your child due to your work schedule or if you want options for enrichment classes.  

Discuss Special Needs Accommodation

Some of our kids could need special care because of their needs. Ask the preschools how they handle kids with special needs if this pertains to you. There might be a separate class or assigned teacher in some schools.  

Cross-Check Licensing

Unfortunately, many preschools in Malaysia operate without the necessary permits. Make that the preschool you select has been registered with the Ministry of Education or the Department of Social Welfare if it’s a childcare centre.  

Ask People You Trust

From parents you can trust, the best advice can occasionally come. Find out where they send their priceless children and about their experiences there.  

Why to Choose Yelaoshr is a Preschool for Your Children

Yelaoshr delivers a bright, cheerful, stimulating, caring, and safe atmosphere favourable to our children’s development, with a proven integrated curriculum and excellent facilities. These provide young children with a unique and high-quality early education experience. Do contact Yelaoshr for a better future for your children.

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