The Bamboo Law of Collaboration: Explosive Growth and Success

In today’s competitive market, collaboration has become a key way for many people to realize their dreams and self-worth. However, the path to starting a business is full of challenges. The key to success lies in finding a promising industry and a reliable partner. The education industry, with its stable market demand and broad prospects, has become the first choice for many collaborators. Within this field, YelaoShr® stands out as a trustworthy partner due to its professional teacher training, unique teaching system, and rich operational experience.

YelaoShr® is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to its partners, helping them avoid pitfalls and achieve rapid growth. Whether you are a new collaborator or someone with experience in the education sector, YelaoShr® offers tailored solutions to help you stand out in the market.

Professional Teacher Training and Technical Support

YelaoShr® offers professional teacher training and technical support to its partners. Joining YelaoShr® means entering an industry full of potential and opportunities. With 19 years of operational experience, YelaoShr® has established a mature, unique curriculum and teaching system that provides a solid foundation for new partners, reducing the challenges of starting a business. YelaoShr®’s success is not just due to its own efforts but also to the support and assistance it provides to its partners, giving them confidence and security in their collaborative journey.

Patience and Perseverance in the Early Stages

The early stages of collaboration require patience and perseverance, similar to the growth process of bamboo. Bamboo appears unremarkable initially, but its roots continuously expand underground, storing energy before eventually experiencing explosive growth. Likewise, the initial investment and effort in collaboration lay the groundwork for future success. YelaoShr®’s growth follows this “Bamboo Law,” where years of effort and accumulation have led to rapid brand development. As a partner, understanding and applying this principle will help you maintain a positive and resilient mindset in the early stages of your venture.

Experience and Systems Paving the Way for Partners

After years of development, YelaoShr® has navigated through the toughest stages. Now, new partners benefit from the path YelaoShr® has paved over 19 years. The brand’s growing influence and market demand are built on a foundation of early accumulation and preparation. By leveraging YelaoShr®’s rich resources and experience, partners can achieve more with less effort, establishing and growing their presence in the industry smoothly. YelaoShr®’s success encompasses not only the education sector but also marketing, management, and operational support.

Team Support and Market Demand

Collaboration, like the growth of bamboo, is a gradual process. Fortunately, with YelaoShr®, you are not alone in your endeavors; you have the support of an entire team. Every successful collaborator has untold stories of effort and perseverance. Opportunities favor those who are prepared and quick to seize them. YelaoShr®’s team provides not only technical and operational support but also psychological and moral encouragement to partners.

Education Philosophy Meeting Modern Needs

YelaoShr®’s Finnish-style education philosophy aligns precisely with the needs of modern parents and students. Finnish education is renowned for its high-quality and innovative teaching methods. YelaoShr® brings this advanced education philosophy to Malaysia, better serving the local market. Where there is demand, there is opportunity. But why should customers choose you? What are your strengths and background? YelaoShr®’s unique curriculum and teaching system have been market-tested and replicated in hundreds of successful cases. Joining YelaoShr® means tapping into endless business opportunities brought by the brand.

Ongoing Support and Development Post-Joining

YelaoShr® provides not only initial training and support but also continuous attention and assistance throughout the partnership. Whether it’s improving teaching methods or adjusting marketing strategies, YelaoShr® offers the latest information and resources promptly. Partners can enhance their abilities and maintain close contact with the headquarters through regular training and exchange activities, collectively addressing market changes and challenges.

Mindset and Opportunity in Collaboration

Every successful collaborator has untold stories of effort and perseverance. Collaboration requires not only determination and patience but also a keen market sense and the ability to seize opportunities. YelaoShr®’s success is rooted in its unique educational philosophy, mature operational system, and accurate grasp of market needs and timely seizing of opportunities. By joining YelaoShr®, you not only gain access to a successful business model but also find your own space for growth in a constantly changing market.

Market Prospects and Potential

Market Prospects and Potential The education industry is full of potential and prospects, especially in modern society where parents’ demand for quality educational resources is constantly increasing. YelaoShr®’s brand influence and market demand continue to grow, with early accumulation and preparation being the cornerstones of success. By utilizing the rich resources and experience of the headquarters, partners can achieve more with less effort, smoothly establishing and developing in this industry. YelaoShr®’s success is not only its own growth but also a driving force and innovation for the entire education industry.

YelaoShr® offers partners not just professional teacher training and technical support, but also a proven path to success through years of practice and validation. By leveraging the headquarters’ resources and experience, partners can smoothly develop in the education industry. Collaboration requires patience and perseverance, but with YelaoShr®’s support, your collaborative journey will be smoother. Joining YelaoShr® means not only joining a brand but also entering an industry full of potential and opportunities. From initial training support to ongoing operational assistance, YelaoShr® will be your solid backing on your collaborative path. Choosing YelaoShr® means choosing a successful future.

Why Are Kids So Reluctant to Go to School?

In today’s educational environment, developing multilingual abilities is crucial for children’s learning and future careers. Many parents and educators notice that a child’s performance in school is greatly influenced by their language skills.

In Malaysia’s multilingual society, mastering three languages has become an essential part of a child’s education. However, many children face difficulties when learning a second or third language, directly impacting their interest in learning and academic success. To tackle this challenge, many educational institutions are adopting innovative teaching methods, and YelaoShr® stands out as a prime example of this.

YelaoShr®’s Educational Philosophy and Methods

YelaoShr® is a one-on-one teaching institution with 19 years of industry experience. This institution uses the Finnish educational model, emphasizing personalized learning plans and the importance of student self-learning. They believe every child is unique and should have a customized learning plan to meet their specific needs and pace.

Customized Learning Plans

YelaoShr® designs exclusive learning plans for each student based on their specific needs and skill levels. Through one-on-one teaching, teachers can deeply understand the student’s learning style and challenges, providing more effective guidance and support.

Strengthening Trilingual Foundations

In multilingual education, YelaoShr® places special emphasis on foundational trilingual education. They use innovative materials and methods, such as the 100x Speed Reading Technique, to significantly enhance children’s language recognition skills and vocabulary. This not only helps children better understand course content in school but also lays a solid foundation for their future academic and career success.

Introducing the Finnish Educational Model

Finnish education is renowned worldwide for its high standards and innovation. YelaoShr® has introduced this model to Malaysia, creating a new educational experience. This model encourages children to learn through exploration and practice rather than mere memorization and repetition. Such a learning approach sparks children’s interest in learning and strengthens their problem-solving abilities.

Educational Achievements and Social Recognition

With its outstanding educational services, YelaoShr® has won several awards in the education sector, including the 2019 Sin Chew Education Product Award, Sin Chew Business Excellence Award, Sin Chew Outstanding Education Institution Award, and the 2022 Golden Bull Award for Outstanding SMEs. These awards not only affirm YelaoShr®’s leadership in education but also reflect the high recognition of its educational quality by the market and parents.

YelaoShr®’s Contribution to Society

Currently, YelaoShr® offers a special promotion: parents can purchase a RM98 experience voucher to enjoy courses worth RM700. This promotion provides parents with an excellent opportunity to experience YelaoShr®’s educational services at a highly cost-effective rate. The offer is limited to the first 50 parents who sign up, so interested parents should act quickly to seize this rare opportunity.

Through these measures, YelaoShr® not only improves children’s learning conditions but also lays a solid foundation for their future educational journey. For children facing obstacles in language learning, YelaoShr® provides a comprehensive and effective solution, ensuring every child can achieve academic and personal growth.

YelaoShr®【Class One】: Reshaping Your Child’s Learning Future

In today’s fast-paced society, with increasing life demands and intense competition, many parents find themselves juggling busy work schedules and family responsibilities, often leaving them with limited time to help their children with schoolwork. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and helplessness, worrying that their children might fall behind in their studies due to a lack of attention.

However, even with demanding work and family responsibilities, parents can still help their children succeed academically through some simple methods. First, try to manage your time effectively and set aside dedicated moments to be with your child, understand their learning progress, and offer necessary support and guidance. Secondly, build a strong communication and trust relationship with your child, making them feel comfortable to express themselves and seek help when needed. This not only strengthens the parent-child bond but also allows you to understand their needs and challenges better, providing timely assistance.

Additionally, using various learning resources and tools can further support your child’s education. You can select high-quality educational programs or websites that make learning fun, or encourage homework and extracurricular reading to spark their interest in learning and bring them joy and satisfaction.

Despite busy work and family commitments, with a bit of effort and patience, parents can still help their children achieve academic success. By managing time wisely, fostering good communication and trust, and utilizing learning resources and tools, parents can create a supportive learning environment for their children to thrive.

In this context, YelaoShr®【Class One】becomes the best choice for parents. Our online teaching platform focuses on providing personalized online education, helping children achieve better academic results.

Personalized Matching to Support Your Child’s Growth

YelaoShr®【Class One】features a unique 100% Perfect Match system, identifying the most suitable teacher based on your child’s nature and personality. Whether your child is shy or lacks confidence, we can pair them with kind, understanding teachers who excel in offering praise. This close teacher-student relationship helps build trust and enhances learning outcomes.

Combining Quality Materials with One-on-One Teaching

YelaoShr®【Class One】not only offers materials refined over 19 years but also employs a Finnish-style one-on-one teaching model to ensure your child truly grasps the knowledge. Our teachers are not just knowledge transmitters but also mentors guiding children to learn independently and grow confidently.

19 Years of Educational Expertise

YelaoShr® brings nearly two decades of educational experience to the 【Class One】online platform. In just three years, 【Class One】has helped over 15,000 struggling students make significant academic progress.

Making Education More Convenient and Efficient

Our goal with the 【Class One】live teaching platform is to support busy parents and those who find it difficult to attend in-person classes. By simply turning on a computer or tablet at home, your child can access high-quality educational resources, making learning free from time and location constraints.

Encouraging Self-Learning and Confident Growth

Like YelaoShr® Educational Institutions, YelaoShr®【Class One】upholds the philosophy of fostering self-learning and confident growth in children. We not only teach languages but also guide children to learn proactively. Through unique and creative teaching materials, every child can find joy in learning, stimulating their creativity and thinking skills, thus making progress and growing happier and more confident.

Let your child experience YelaoShr®【Class One】where learning is fun and growth is exciting. Contact us now to book a personalized learning journey for your child.

Why Are More People Joining the Education Industry?

In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the number of individuals entering the education industry. What’s driving this trend? Let’s break it down. First, education is widely recognized as a key factor in social progress and personal growth. As people increasingly value the importance of education, the demand for high-quality educational services continues to grow.

Second, with the advancement of technology and the widespread use of the Internet, the education industry is experiencing a digital transformation. The rise of online learning platforms and educational technology products provides entrepreneurs with ample opportunities and room for innovation.

Moreover, the education industry holds significant social value and commercial potential. Investment in education is often seen as a long-term commitment, making it relatively stable even during economic downturns.

In the education sector, especially among aspiring entrepreneurs, the allure of zero collaboration fees seems like a blessing. However, beneath this appealing offer, there are deeper commercial truths. For those eager to become collaborators, understanding these three key truths is crucial.

Truth 1: Basic Packages

Many education centers claim to offer “zero collaboration fees,” but they often set traps in the basic packages. Similar to how TV networks provide basic channels for free but charge extra for additional channels, collaborators might find themselves paying extra for necessary training and system support. These hidden fees can be quite frustrating.

Truth 2: DIY Approach

Before joining an education center, entrepreneurs might expect the headquarters to provide resources such as renovations, furniture, and teacher training. However, in some cases, collaborators not only need to pay out of their own pockets but also do the work themselves. It’s like buying a house and then having to handle all the renovations and furnishing personally.

Truth 3: Double Pricing

Behind the “zero collaboration fees” often lies another charging strategy. Collaborators might be forced to purchase textbooks or supplies at inflated prices from the headquarters. This means paying 30-50% more than the market price, which directly affects their profits.

Achieving Win-Win for Long-Term Success

For entrepreneurs, recognizing these truths is essential. Integrity is the foundation of business, especially in the education industry, where a people-oriented approach is crucial. Only by considering the collaborators’ perspectives and genuinely caring about their interests can a win-win situation be achieved.

For those truly interested in starting a business in the education sector, choosing a trustworthy brand is vital. YelaoShr® is such a brand. While they do charge collaboration fees, these fees are not for the company’s profit but are used as startup funds for the collaborators. This includes store renovations, furniture purchases, textbooks and supplies, training support, and system support. YelaoShr® is committed to transparent fees, helping collaborators start from scratch without worrying about the complexities. Importantly, YelaoShr® provides textbooks and supplies at cost price, allowing collaborators to sell at market price and earn a reasonable profit.

Additionally, YelaoShr® focuses on corporate and brand development, regularly launching various activities and operational strategies to promote the growth of all collaborators. Choosing to join YelaoShr® is like finding a reliable partner, adding confidence and security to the entrepreneurial journey.

If you are genuinely passionate about the education industry and eager to start your own business in this promising field, contact YelaoShr® to learn more about their market positioning and collaboration details. They won’t lure you with “zero collaboration fees” but will work with you to elevate the education industry to new heights!

YelaoShr® Jr Educare: Your Top Choice for High-Quality Childcare

In today’s fast-paced world, many families have both parents working full-time jobs. Balancing work with raising children can be challenging and exhausting. Parents often worry about their children’s learning progress while juggling their busy schedules. Traditional daycares may offer basic care, but they often fall short when it comes to focusing on children’s learning and development. Parents spend a lot of money, only to see minimal improvement in their children’s academic performance, leading to disappointment and frustration. This is where YelaoShr® Jr Educare comes in, bringing relief to parents. With 19 years of educational experience, YelaoShr® Jr Educare goes beyond basic childcare to focus on comprehensive child development. YelaoShr® Jr Educare offers more than just childcare; it’s a holistic educational experience. We use the Finnish creative teaching method, engaging children with fun and interactive activities that stimulate their interest in learning, creativity, and thinking skills. We also emphasize building a strong foundation in three languages, setting the stage for their future success. In addition to daily educational activities, YelaoShr® Jr Educare provides professional tutoring to help children with their schoolwork, ensuring they excel academically. Our MIQ potential development games and YelaoShr® Fun E-learning platform offer diverse and enjoyable learning experiences.

The Seven Core Services of YelaoShr® Jr Educare:

✅ 19 Years of Educational Experience: YelaoShr® Jr Educare has 19 years of rich educational experience, utilizing effective teaching methods to deliver high-quality education services.

✅ Finnish Creative Teaching: We adopt the Finnish creative teaching method, focusing on nurturing children’s creativity and thinking skills through engaging activities.

✅ Strong Foundation in Three Languages: YelaoShr® Jr Educare prioritizes building a solid foundation in three languages – the mother tongue, English, and a third language – crucial for their language development.

✅ Fostering Independent Learning: We aim to develop children’s ability to learn independently, think critically, and solve problems, preparing them for future success.

✅ Professional Tutoring for Schoolwork: Our team of professional teachers offers personalized tutoring to help students tackle schoolwork challenges and achieve academic excellence.

✅ MIQ Potential Development Games: Our MIQ games and activities are designed to unlock children’s potential and develop their comprehensive abilities.

✅ YelaoShr® Fun E-learning: We provide an engaging E-learning platform with a wide range of fun and educational online resources, making learning enjoyable and effective.

"Menu Rahmah" Program

Additionally, YelaoShr® Jr Educare actively supports the government’s “Menu Rahmah” program, offering more affordable education services. We’ve adjusted our fees and provided additional discounts, helping families save up to 70% on tuition costs. We understand the importance of education and aim to make high-quality education accessible to more families through this initiative.

Over the past 19 years, YelaoShr® Jr Educare has helped countless children achieve excellent academic results, earning the trust and praise of parents. We feel immensely honored and grateful for this recognition. Therefore, we are committed to giving back to the community, ensuring more children have the opportunity to experience YelaoShr®’s Finnish creative teaching.

At YelaoShr® Jr Educare, we believe education transcends social classes, and every child deserves the best education. Starting today, entrust your childcare needs to YelaoShr® Jr Educare. While your children grow happily, you can focus on your work with peace of mind.

Why are some children struggling with their studies? A weak foundation in trilingual skills could be the main culprit.

It’s no longer uncommon for children to have less-than-ideal academic performance. Many parents have tried various tutoring centers and methods, yet the problem persists. So, why do some children struggle in school? A lack of trilingual skills may be one of the primary reasons.

In a multilingual country like Malaysia, with its diverse ethnic groups, a strong trilingual foundation is crucial for learning. A solid grounding in three languages makes learning any subject much more effective.

Whether in primary or secondary school, if a child has poor language skills, mastering any subject becomes exceedingly difficult. Language skills are like a sturdy wall; without a strong foundation, the structure of learning cannot be built robustly and might even collapse.

So, why are some children lacking in trilingual skills?

Firstly, if children have not yet mastered the three languages, even the most dedicated teaching can leave them confused and unable to understand. This may lead to them becoming distracted and losing interest in learning.

Over time, these children may lose confidence as their peers seem to progress faster and the subjects become increasingly challenging. They might begin to avoid studying, resist learning, or even become rebellious when facing these difficulties.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Absolutely. YelaoShr®’s one-on-one trilingual teaching can effectively boost children’s language skills and enhance their learning efficiency.

Poor academic performance is often linked to inadequate trilingual foundations.

YelaoShr®’s tailored trilingual instruction addresses this issue by providing personalized teaching, innovative materials, and confidence-building strategies. If your child is facing learning difficulties, consider YelaoShr® for a customized learning plan that strengthens their trilingual foundation, catches them up academically, and enriches their learning experience with unique educational philosophies. Don’t delay in securing effective learning support for your child; contact YelaoShr® today.

Start Your Educational Journey: YelaoShr® Professional Collaboration Guide

In recent years, the education sector has been widely recognized as a booming field, attracting increasing attention and investment. This trend is driven by several factors. Firstly, with the continuous development and progress of the economy and society, people’s demand and expectations for education are also rising.

Education is seen as a crucial way to enhance personal qualities and competitiveness, thus gaining more importance. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of the internet and information technology, the education industry is undergoing a digital and intelligent transformation, offering vast space and possibilities for educational innovation. Moreover, the emphasis and support from local governments for education are significant factors driving the development of the education sector.

Let's explore why the education industry is currently a booming field:

1. Rising Education Levels and Changing Educational Concepts:

As society develops and the economy progresses, people’s expectations for education also increase. More and more families are willing to invest more resources in improving their children’s education, which drives the development of the education sector.

2. Technological Innovation and the Rise of Online Education:

Technological advancements have brought significant changes to education, making online education possible. Through the internet, students can access broader and more flexible educational resources, injecting new vitality into the education industry.

3. Government Policies and Promotion:

The Malaysian government has repeatedly emphasized the importance of improving the quality of local early childhood education in the “Education Blueprint 2013-2025” report! Since the release of this blueprint plan, the number of daycare centers, kindergartens, and early education centers has been increasing! Parents are realizing the importance of laying a solid foundation for early childhood education.

4. Recognition of Creative Learning by Society:

With the continuous acceleration of social development, the concept of creative learning has gradually gained widespread recognition. People are beginning to realize that education is not only for employment but also for personal development and social progress. This change in perception also drives the development of the education sector.

Do you want to start your own educational business?

If you dream of owning your own educational center, want to be a center owner, and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams but worry about the challenges of starting and running a business, and fear losses? Don’t worry, now is your opportunity to realize your dreams! YelaoShr® warmly welcomes you to join us, and together we will help you succeed, saying goodbye to blind exploration!

5 Reasons to Propel Your Career

1. Malaysia’s Top-Rated Brand

YelaoShr®, Malaysia’s leading pioneer in early childhood education, has been steadily developing in the industry for 19 years. We prioritize quality and adhere to consistent brand standards, earning the trust and praise of countless parents.

2. Extensive Customer Base

Our student base is not limited to the Chinese market but also includes the Malay and Indian markets. With the growing trend of learning Chinese, the demand from students is continuous, bringing a stable flow of customers to your education center.

3. Proven Profitable Model

After 19 years of market validation, YelaoShr® has developed a mature profitable model, saving you a lot of exploration time. Our model withstands market tests, helping you easily replicate a successful business model.

4. Comprehensive Management System

No need to explore on your own; YelaoShr® provides a complete management system to improve operational efficiency and simplify complicated processes. Our strong back-end team will fully support you during the store opening process, helping you easily handle various challenges.

5. Flexible Collaboration Agreements

The market is ever-changing, and flexible adaptation is key to staying ahead. Our flexible collaboration agreements can be adjusted according to market changes, helping you maintain a competitive edge.

YelaoShr® Collaboration Models

  • · Joint-Venture Collaboration Model
  • · Territory Joint-Venture Collaboration Model
  • · Tuition Centre Conversion Model

Compared to other industries, collaborating with YelaoShr® offers advantages such as low capital, low risk, high returns, and strong stability.

If you are passionate about the early childhood education industry, we sincerely invite you to join us and start your own early childhood education center. If you already own a tuition center, we also welcome you to participate in our Tuition Centre Conversion Model and join us in moving forward together.

Currently, we have over 60 branches across Malaysia, mainly in Penang, Taiping, Ipoh, Klang Valley, Seremban, Johor, Kuching, Miri, and Kota Kinabalu. More branches are expected to open this year!

Don’t miss this rare opportunity! Contact us now to learn more about YelaoShr®’s market positioning and collaboration details. Let’s work together to take the education industry to new heights!

The Importance of In-Service Training: Achieving a UK Diploma and Malaysian Government Recognition as a Career Milestone

As society and the job market evolve, achieving success and stability in one’s career has become more challenging. In today’s competitive environment, standing out requires more than passion and perseverance; it demands continuous enhancement of professional knowledge and skills. In-service training has become a crucial factor in helping individuals create irreplaceable value in their careers. This article explores the importance of in-service training, particularly how achieving a UK diploma and gaining recognition from the Malaysian government can be a significant career milestone.

YelaoShr® EDUCATION COLLEGE (YEC) is dedicated to providing high-quality in-service training. It offers valuable opportunities for education professionals in Malaysia to improve their educational standards and professional skills continually. In this article, we will delve into the significance of in-service training at YEC and how obtaining a UK diploma with Malaysian government recognition can be a landmark in your career.

YEC: Your Pathway to Professional Excellence

In-service training is essential because an ideal job is the backbone of a successful career. However, in the highly competitive job market, passion alone is not enough. Modern society demands that we continuously adapt and learn to keep pace with changes and technological advancements.

The Malaysian Ministry of Education has mandated that educators not only possess educational qualifications but also stay updated with the latest educational theories and technologies to provide high-quality education. This requires educators to continuously learn and update their knowledge to maintain their competitiveness, highlighting the value of in-service training.

YEC’s In-Service Training Courses

YEC offers an excellent opportunity for educators to advance and become professionals in their field. YEC’s in-service training courses cover a wide range of educational topics, including curriculum design, teaching methods, classroom management, educational technology, and student psychology. These courses are designed by experienced founder Dr. Yee Yee Yap, along with educational experts and industry leaders, ensuring that educators receive the most authoritative and practical educational knowledge.

The training environment at YEC is lively and interactive. Here, educators can actively participate in discussions and share experiences, fostering a family-like atmosphere of mutual encouragement and support. This interactive and cooperative environment promotes knowledge sharing and innovation, benefiting every participant.

Enhancing Education Quality and Personal Growth

In-service training not only improves education quality but also fosters personal growth, creating irreplaceable value for oneself. By participating in YEC’s in-service training courses, educators can continuously enhance their professional knowledge and skills, better meeting the needs of students and educational requirements.

Moreover, obtaining a UK diploma with Malaysian government recognition increases educators’ career opportunities and competitiveness. This recognition affirms their achievements in the education field and marks a significant milestone in their career. The diploma not only demonstrates their professional knowledge and skills but also enhances their attractiveness in the job market.

In-Service Training: Choosing YEC, Choosing Success

In-service training is a key factor in achieving career success. By continuously learning and enhancing professional knowledge and skills, educators can stand out in a competitive job market and create irreplaceable value for themselves. Achieving a UK diploma with Malaysian government recognition enables them to reach a significant career milestone, increasing their career opportunities and competitiveness. Therefore, choosing YEC is choosing success and the backbone of your career!

Whether you are a newcomer considering a career in education or an experienced educator, YEC’s in-service training courses offer valuable opportunities to help you continuously grow and advance.

Choosing the right industry is key to creating irreplaceable value for yourself

Why can’t administrative or service roles, like blue-collar jobs, add value to one’s career?

When seeking a job, it’s not just the salary that matters but also the future prospects of the industry. A few hundred dollars in raise might seem tempting, but if the job involves long hours, working on weekends and public holidays, and does nothing to enhance your resume, then the cost is too high.

In blue-collar roles, long hours, overtime, and irregular shifts can impact your health and stall your career progression. These jobs often lack clear promotional paths and make it difficult to plan for the future. Moreover, dealing with challenging customers or tough working environments is common.

Additionally, the resume from a blue-collar job often lacks competitive edge in the job market, with fewer opportunities for raises and promotions. During job interviews, you might often be asked, “What salary do you expect?” However, due to market constraints, even switching jobs doesn’t lead to significant pay increases.

Prolonged standing, walking, and physical labor can cause discomfort and affect the quality of life. Conversely, office jobs might lead to unhealthy lifestyles, increased waistlines, and obesity issues. Such roles do not foster career development and can harm your health.

In contrast, YelaoShr® Educational Institute offers more promising career development opportunities. If you are passionate about education, enjoy interacting with children, and have patience, love, and responsibility, this could be your chance.

YelaoShr® can help you start as a teacher and gradually advance to a supervisor or even a center principal. Some teachers can even become partners, open their branches, and become owners. Opportunities like these are rare in blue-collar jobs, but YelaoShr® offers the chance to become an entrepreneur and earn passive income.

Furthermore, YelaoShr® provides on-the-job education and training to help employees gain early childhood education qualifications from the UK, enhancing their resume competitiveness. This not only opens up more opportunities in the education sector but also adds value to your career.

If you’re tired of long hours, lack career prospects, or just want better pay and more freedom, YelaoShr® Educational Institute might be your ideal choice. We currently have openings for two teaching positions. If you’re interested, send us your resume soon! Whether you’re looking for a promising career or a better salary and quality of life, YelaoShr® welcomes you to join us in creating more value and opportunities. Don’t let blue-collar jobs limit your career possibilities—choose YelaoShr®, and open new doors for your future!

Why should we stick to one-on-one teaching?

The benefits and positive impacts of one-on-one teaching on children are quite clear. It can significantly improve their literacy development as well as their comprehension and independent learning abilities at various stages.

First, let’s discuss the advantages of one-on-one teaching. Eighteen years ago, many educational institutions and tutoring centers were hesitant to adopt this teaching method, but YelaoShr® has steadfastly chosen it. Why?

Many educators resist one-on-one teaching because they fear the difficulty of addressing diverse student needs. However, it is precisely this personalized attention and teaching approach that has led to its significant success in education. Compared to traditional large class teaching, one-on-one teaching offers unique advantages.

First, it allows for high levels of focus. In a large class setting, a teacher often needs to take care of 30 to 40 students, making it hard to ensure that each student gets sufficient attention and guidance. However, in one-on-one teaching, a teacher can fully focus on one student, ensuring their learning process receives thorough attention and guidance.

Second, one-on-one teaching accommodates each child’s learning pace. Every child learns at a different speed and has different needs, which traditional large class teaching cannot meet. In one-on-one settings, a teacher can tailor individual learning plans according to each child’s situation, ensuring they absorb knowledge in the shortest possible time. This means no child is left behind, and each one has the opportunity to learn at their own pace.

Third, one-on-one teaching provides more opportunities for listening. Children who are listened to feel less psychological pressure, are more willing to express themselves, and become more confident in learning. Cultivating this confidence is crucial to a child’s learning process, as confident children are more likely to overcome learning obstacles and actively engage in their studies.

What positive impacts does one-on-one teaching have on children?

For children aged 3 to 6, literacy is one of the most important foundations of learning, directly affecting their future attitudes towards education. If a child has low literacy, they may lose interest in learning and be reluctant to follow adults’ instructions. However, through one-on-one teaching, children can learn to read at a higher rate, boosting their confidence, improving their thinking skills, and enhancing their ability to ask questions. This lays a solid foundation for their educational journey.

For children aged 7 to 12, comprehension and independent learning abilities become crucial. If a child struggles with comprehension, they might develop a negative attitude towards learning and find it difficult to understand and cope with school materials. However, one-on-one teaching can enhance a child’s comprehension skills, enabling them to study independently and confidently face academic challenges.

The benefits of one-on-one teaching are clear. It provides high levels of focus, personalized education, more listening opportunities, and accelerates learning speed. This positively affects children’s learning abilities and confidence, laying a solid foundation for their future academic and career success. Despite some challenges, one-on-one teaching is undoubtedly an effective educational method, particularly suitable for families who want to provide personalized care and guidance to their children. YelaoShr® continues to advocate for one-on-one teaching because we believe it offers the best educational experience and academic achievements for every child.

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