The Rising Issue of School Bullying

Bullying has become a severe problem in schools worldwide. In recent years, the incidence of school bullying has significantly increased, having profound negative impacts on the physical and mental well-being of students. Bullying behaviors include physical violence, verbal abuse, cyberbullying, exclusion, and harassment. These actions not only severely violate the rights of the victims but also threaten the harmony of schools and society.

Understanding the Mindset of Bullies

The mindset of bullies is complex and variable, requiring in-depth analysis from multiple psychological perspectives. Social psychology, developmental psychology, and personality psychology all offer different viewpoints to understand the motivations behind bullying behavior.

According to Jung’s theory, everyone has a “shadow” within them, representing their inner negative emotions and conflicts. Some people manage these negative emotions healthily, while others may release their inner shadows through aggression and violence. These individuals gain temporary psychological satisfaction by bullying others.

Jung also introduced the concept of the “collective unconscious,” which contains negative subconscious factors that can be triggered in certain environments. For example, violent movies, games, or the influence of family members can provoke negative behaviors in bullies. Notably, many bullies are unaware that their actions are wrong, which further complicates the problem.

Reducing Bullying Behaviors

Reducing bullying behaviors requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, helping children develop self-identity and a sense of value during their growth can effectively reduce their dependence on bullying. Through mental health education, children can learn to manage their emotions better and build positive relationships.

Secondly, changing school culture and social environments is crucial. Reducing the activation of negative factors in the collective unconscious can prevent and decrease bullying behaviors. For instance, stricter management of violent content in movies and games can reduce negative influences on teenagers. Schools should promote a culture of kindness and mutual assistance, encouraging students to respect and understand each other.

Anonymous reporting mechanisms are also an effective preventive measure. Ensuring children can safely and anonymously report bullying helps promptly identify and address issues, preventing further escalation.

Understanding the Victims of Bullying

Victims of bullying often experience a range of negative emotions and psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and social withdrawal. They struggle to establish normal social relationships and are often too afraid to tell adults about their experiences, leading to prolonged unresolved issues.

Victims may develop fear and aversion towards school, negatively affecting their academic performance and interest in learning. In severe cases, this can result in truancy or dropping out. As parents, it is crucial to monitor children’s behavior and psychological changes, promptly identify abnormalities, and provide necessary support and assistance.

A Parent’s Perspective

As parents, imagining our children being bullied evokes an indescribable sense of heartache and helplessness. Every child is a precious treasure to their family and deserves to grow up happily in a safe and healthy environment. If our children are harmed, we will do everything to protect them and help them overcome the shadows of bullying. Therefore, we must all pay attention to the issue of bullying and work together to create a harmonious and safe school environment.

Solving the problem of bullying requires the collective effort of society. Through mental health education, improving school culture, strictly managing violent content, and establishing anonymous reporting mechanisms, we can effectively reduce the occurrence of bullying. At the same time, parents and teachers should always pay attention to children’s mental health, providing necessary support and help, so that every child can grow up healthy in a safe and friendly environment. Only in this way can we create a bright future for our children, free from the shadow of bullying, and allow them to grow up happily.

Why One-on-One Teaching is the Best Choice

When selecting an education center, many parents consider the cost of tuition. However, cheaper options often come with hidden costs. Let’s explore why choosing one-on-one teaching, rather than an affordable large-class education, is the best decision for your child’s future.

Differences in Teaching Methods

We can compare teaching methods to modes of transportation. Large-class education is like riding a bicycle, while one-on-one teaching is like flying on a plane. While cycling is cheaper, it cannot match the speed and efficiency of flying. For children, learning time is incredibly valuable. Once progress is delayed, the learning journey becomes more challenging and frustrating.

Limitations of Large Classes

Choosing a budget-friendly education center usually means placing your child in a large class. These centers often pack classrooms to maximize returns. While the tuition may appear lower, the drawbacks of this education model cannot be ignored.

In a class of 30-40 students, the teacher’s time per child is very limited. If a class lasts 60 minutes, each child receives just 1 to 2 minutes of attention. This brief attention span is insufficient to ensure that children truly understand and master the material.

Advantages of One-on-One Teaching

In contrast, one-on-one teaching is entirely different. Each child receives 100% of the teacher’s attention. In this model, teachers can adjust their approach based on the child’s specific needs and pace, ensuring that the child comprehends and masters every concept. Every 15 minutes of teaching allows the teacher to evaluate and correct the child’s learning issues promptly. This frequent interaction and feedback enable children to make significant progress in a short time.

One-on-one teaching is not just about imparting knowledge; it also fosters a child’s interest and confidence in learning. The strong relationship between the teacher and child can further motivate and inspire the child.

Economic Investment and Value Return

Many parents choose low-cost education centers to save money. However, this short-sighted decision often leads to higher hidden costs. Children who do not receive adequate attention in large classes may perform poorly, necessitating additional tutoring and support. Ultimately, parents spend more money and waste their child’s valuable learning time.

Conversely, while one-on-one teaching may be more expensive, its value and return far exceed the cost. Parents who choose one-on-one teaching can witness their child’s progress and growth in a short period. More importantly, this high-quality education lays a solid foundation for the child’s future development.

Education is a Long-Term Investment

Choosing the right education center is a crucial decision for every parent. Large-class education may be cheaper, but its effectiveness and efficiency are far inferior to one-on-one teaching. Although one-on-one teaching costs more, its value and benefits are immeasurable.

As parents, we should recognize that education is a long-term investment. Choosing one-on-one teaching supports your child’s current learning and ensures their future success. Every penny invested in your child’s education contributes to their better growth and development.

Dear parents, choosing an education method is like choosing a mode of transportation. Do you want your child to slowly pedal a bicycle, or do you want them to fly swiftly toward their goals? Every parent has their own answer. May every child find joy in learning and grow healthily in the best educational environment for them.

The Revolutionary Reform of Malaysian Primary Education

When you think of Malaysian education, traditional classrooms with children buried in thick textbooks might come to mind.

But times are changing, and Malaysia is striving to break free from conventional education frameworks and embark on a profound reform journey. Let’s explore the current state and the path of reform in Malaysian primary education, and see how it seeks to find a way out of the stagnation of rote learning.

Decentralizing Education: A Trial or a Futile Effort?

In 2013, the “2013-2025 Education Blueprint” proposed decentralizing education authority to county education offices. This seemed like a magic solution to the rigidity caused by centralized control. However, the reality has been less promising, with local units lacking the capability and empowerment, making this measure seem more like a castle in the air.

KSSR Reform: Major Overhaul or Minor Adjustment?

Introduced in 2011, the Malaysian Primary School Standard Curriculum (KSSR) was touted as a major reform. It emphasized soft skills development, such as creativity and information skills. However, compared to the bold experiments in China and the continuous innovation in Singapore, Malaysia’s reforms appear more reactive to external pressures than driven by an intrinsic need for change.

The Essence of Reform: A Disconnect Between Ideals and Practice

Despite the introduction of new curricula like KSSR, the spirit of reform in Malaysian primary education has not truly materialized. Genuine reform requires a shift in mindset and philosophy, not just superficial changes in teaching methods. In reality, the slow and inadequate reforms at the primary level have hindered further development.

The Ailments of the Education System: Bureaucracy and Resistance

In Malaysia, many stakeholders in education are slow to react to curriculum changes and have a vague understanding of new concepts. The centralized education system does not inspire enthusiasm within educational teams, relying instead on administrative power, leading to inefficiencies in teaching and assessment.

Exploring More Possibilities: A Future of Innovation and Diversity in Education

At the forefront of the educational revolution, Malaysia has the opportunity to reshape its education system, creating a learning environment filled with innovation and adaptability to future societal needs. Here are some potential measures to achieve a richer and more comprehensive development in primary education:

1. Interdisciplinary Education: Promote curriculum integration, allowing students to connect across subjects like science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), fostering well-rounded abilities.

2. Flexible Learning Paths: Offer more personalized learning options, enabling students to choose projects based on their interests and abilities, enhancing their motivation and engagement.

3. Technology Integration: Utilize digital tools and platforms to create interactive and collaborative learning environments, while strengthening information skills to make students more competitive in the digital age.

4. Emotional and Social Learning: Emphasize emotional development and social skills through team projects and social interactions, nurturing empathy, communication skills, and conflict resolution abilities.

5. Global Perspective: Provide education with a global perspective through international cooperation projects and multicultural exchanges, helping students understand and respect different cultures and values.

6. Teacher Training and Professional Development: Enhance professional development for teachers through continuous training and workshops, updating teaching methods and skills to ensure they can guide and inspire students.

7. Family and Community Collaboration: Strengthen the connection between schools, families, and communities to support student learning and development, making educational outcomes more profound and lasting.

8. Innovative Assessment and Feedback Systems: Develop more diverse and comprehensive assessment tools that not only evaluate academic achievements but also focus on creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Through these strategies, Malaysian primary education can break free from traditional constraints and move towards a more flexible, interactive, and student-centered teaching model. Such changes will not only help students prepare for future challenges but also position Malaysia more favorably on the global educational stage. The path of educational reform is challenging but full of potential, worthy of our collective anticipation and effort.

Breaking Free from Rote Learning

In traditional teaching models, teachers are the knowledge providers, and students are passive recipients. However, the true purpose of education should be to liberate human potential, nurturing students’ natural abilities, habits, and appreciation for humanities and arts. In the age of artificial intelligence, creativity and imagination become more crucial than memory and computation skills.

As Malaysian primary education faces various challenges, a genuine educational revolution is brewing. The education sector needs to keep pace with the times, breaking away from the rote learning framework, truly focusing on children’s needs, and laying the foundation for future global citizens. In doing so, when we next discuss Malaysian education, we might witness a true educational renaissance. — YelaoShr® Education Institution

Is it strange for Chinese kids not to speak Chinese?

In the wave of globalization, family immigration has become the norm. However, this comes with an issue that cannot be overlooked—the loss of language. Many Malaysian Chinese families find that after moving abroad, their children gradually lose the ability to speak Chinese. This isn’t just a loss of language; it weakens cultural identity.

Language is not only a tool for communication but also a vessel for cultural heritage. In multicultural countries like Malaysia, every ethnic group maintains its language, marking their unique identity. For Chinese people, not speaking Chinese seems to go against this principle of multiculturalism. After all, Chinese is not just the mother tongue of Chinese people; it is a precious heritage preserved by countless ancestors through hardship and migration.

In this context, helping Chinese children raised abroad to learn and love Chinese has become a challenge for many parents and educators. This effort is not just about maintaining language continuity but also about enabling children to understand and appreciate their cultural roots. This is where Class One becomes especially important.

19 Years of Educational Excellence

Class One is an online teaching platform established by YelaoShr®, a Malaysian educational brand with 19 years of experience. It is the top choice for modern parents with busy schedules and an ideal partner for helping Chinese children, especially those known as “ABC” (American-born Chinese), learn Chinese. Combining YelaoShr®’s extensive teaching experience with innovative and interactive methods, this platform makes learning Chinese more enjoyable and effective.

In just three years, Class One has helped over 10,000 children reconnect with their cultural roots. Many children who initially knew little Chinese have, within six months, been able to engage in simple daily conversations with their parents. Their progress is evident not only in their language skills but also in their tone and word choice, reflecting localized and personalized education outcomes.

Unique Teaching System

Class One’s teaching strategy is truly unique. It integrates methods such as reading recognition, storytelling, engaging animations, and creative daily conversations to make learning Chinese fun and interesting. This approach not only enhances children’s memory but also stimulates their creativity, making learning Chinese a joy rather than a burden.

For parents interested in deeper engagement, Class One offers detailed information, including an app, a learning tracking system, and solutions for specific learning issues. Parents can also visit the official website to learn about trial lessons and special offers.

The Top Choice for Immigrant Chinese Families

In summary, Class One is more than an online teaching platform; it’s a bridge for cultural heritage. It helps overseas Chinese families uphold and pass on the Chinese language and culture amidst globalization, enabling the next generation to proudly say, “I am Chinese, and I speak Chinese.” This respect for culture is also an investment in the future. In a diverse and rapidly changing world, mastering multiple languages and cultures will give the next generation a competitive edge on the global stage. Driven by this mission, Class One continuously innovates and progresses, serving Chinese families worldwide.

How Important is Preschool Education in Malaysia?

In recent years, parents in Malaysia have increasingly prioritized their children’s preschool education. This trend is driven by several factors, including heightened social competition, evolving educational philosophies, concerns about future career prospects, and rapid technological advancements.

Many parents feel an urgent need to prepare their children before they start school, hoping to lay a solid learning foundation through quality preschool education. In this context, numerous educational institutions offer creative and engaging courses designed to nurture children’s creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Reasons Why Parents Value Preschool Education

1. Increased Social Competition: As society becomes more competitive, parents generally want their children to gain an advantage from the start. Preschool education is seen as a crucial stage for developing learning abilities, social skills, and emotional regulation, providing a strong foundation for formal schooling.

2. Innovative Educational Philosophies: Modern educational philosophies emphasize child-centered learning, advocating for games and exploratory activities in the early stages to promote holistic development. This approach encourages parents to focus on preschool education to cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in their children.

3. Focus on Future Career Prospects: In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, future work environments are expected to rely more on skills and innovation. Parents hope that high-quality preschool education will provide a solid foundation for their children to adapt to the ever-changing job market.

4. Rapid Technological Development: With the advancement of technology, new educational tools and learning platforms are constantly emerging, making preschool education more diverse and efficient. Parents can use these tools to provide rich learning resources and environments, promoting early development.

5. Scientific Understanding of Early Development: Research in psychology and education shows that children’s brains develop rapidly in the early years, making this period crucial for the development of language, thinking, and social skills. Aware of these findings, parents are more invested in their children’s preschool education, aiming to harness this critical period for comprehensive development.

As a result of the various factors mentioned above, more and more parents have begun to attach importance to their children’s pre-school education, in the hope of laying a solid foundation for their children’s future education and life by providing them with a good learning and development environment.

The Importance of Preschool Education

Children aged three to six are in a golden period for learning. At this stage, they have a high capacity for absorption and are naturally curious about the world around them. Appropriate preschool education can help them navigate primary school and beyond more easily, significantly enhancing their learning and reading comprehension abilities.

If children miss this golden period, they may face challenges such as poor learning ability and weak reading comprehension. As school curricula become more challenging, these issues can lead to difficulties keeping up with the learning pace, potentially resulting in a reluctance to study and negatively affecting academic performance.

Creat!ve Preschool+ Educational Philosophy

Creat!ve Preschool+ is an educational institution with over 19 years of history, part of the renowned YelaoShr® education group. In just five years, more than 10,000 parents have chosen Creat!ve Preschool+ for their children, with significant progress reported.

Unlike traditional rote learning methods, Creat!ve Preschool+ emphasizes stimulating children’s interest in learning through creative thematic teaching. We believe that learning through play allows children to naturally acquire new knowledge, making them more willing to learn and feel a sense of achievement.

The Importance of Creative Thinking

As AI technology becomes increasingly prevalent, many traditional industries are gradually being replaced by automation. In this context, what children truly need are creativity, innovation, and inventiveness. These skills will be essential in the future, helping children excel in areas where AI cannot easily replace human ingenuity.

Special Activities and Promotions

Creat!ve Preschool+ currently offers a limited-time promotion where parents can access courses worth over RM1600+ for only RM97. Additionally, we provide meals and nap supplies for children, ensuring their physical well-being alongside their learning.

If your child is already four years old, it’s still the best time to seize this learning golden period. Don’t let your child miss the opportunity to benefit from the creative education at Creat!ve Preschool+. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help your child succeed in future studies and life. This way, we can help children build a solid learning foundation and develop the ability to face future challenges.

The Future of Education and YelaoShr®’s Innovative Breakthroughs

In the past few years, due to the global pandemic, online courses have become a mainstream form of education. Despite some initial challenges and negative impacts, the long-term value of online education has not diminished. In fact, online courses are rapidly evolving and are seen as an important trend for the future of to education. Here are some key factors:

1.Technological Advancements

With the rapid development of internet technology and mobile devices, accessing online educational resources has become more convenient and efficient. Modern technologies like AI teaching assistants and real-time interactive platforms enrich the online learning experience, making it more engaging and interactive.

2. Flexibility and Convenience

Online courses offer flexibility in terms of time and location, allowing students to learn according to their schedules and at their own pace, regardless of geographical constraints. This is especially important for students who need to balance work, family, or other responsibilities.

3. Personalized Learning

Online education platforms can provide customized learning plans and resources tailored to the needs and preferences of different students. Through data analysis, teachers and systems can accurately track students’ progress and understanding, offering more suitable teaching support.

4. Resource Sharing

Online courses break the regional and physical limitations of traditional educational resource distribution, allowing high-quality educational resources to be widely shared with students worldwide. Students can access not only local teaching resources but also top educational content from around the globe.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Compared to traditional face-to-face teaching, online courses typically have lower costs. Schools and educational institutions can save on venues, facilities, and operational expenses, while students can save on commuting time and related costs.

6. Environmental Sustainability

Online courses reduce reliance on physical facilities, thereby decreasing energy consumption and carbon emissions. This positively contributes to promoting environmental sustainability.

7. Responding to Global Challenges

As the pandemic has shown, online courses ensure the continuity of education during global health crises or other emergencies, allowing learning activities to proceed without significant disruption.

In summary, online courses not only effectively complement traditional education models but also offer improvements and optimizations in many areas. With further technological advancements and updated educational philosophies, online courses will play an increasingly important role in the global education landscape.

YelaoShr®’s Technological Breakthroughs

YelaoShr®, an educational institution with 19 years of teaching experience, has found a “breakthrough point” in technology after thoroughly researching over 50 domestic and international online teaching platforms. Through close collaboration with foreign technology teams, YelaoShr® has developed a unique learning tracking system, QLMS, and based on this system, established the [ClassOne] online teaching platform.

QLMS Learning Tracking System: Core Technology Analysis

The QLMS system, fully known as the Quality and Level Management System, consists of two core parts: the Quality Management System (QMS) and the Level Management System (LMS).

QMS (Quality Management System)

QMS is dedicated to recording and analyzing various data during the teaching process, such as students’ learning progress, speed, personalized preferences, and optimal learning methods. This system allows teachers to quickly understand students’ learning journeys and needs, ensuring seamless transitions and continuous teaching quality even with teacher changes.

LMS (Level Management System)

LMS focuses on monitoring students’ learning outcomes and levels. It ensures that students fully grasp the current level of knowledge before progressing to more advanced learning, gradually enhancing learning effectiveness. LMS helps students and parents clearly understand specific learning outcomes, with quarterly learning reports providing a straightforward overview of students’ progress and improvements.

Educational Quality and Parental Trust

The [ClassOne] platform not only emphasizes the quality of teaching content but also provides regular learning reports to parents through the QLMS system, increasing transparency and trust. This innovative teaching approach has helped YelaoShr® stand out in the Malaysian education market, earning multiple awards, including the “Sin Chew Education Product Award” and the “Sin Chew Business Excellence Award” for several consecutive years.

Future Prospects and Promotional Activities

Amidst advancing technology and accumulating market experience, YelaoShr® is confident that online education will better serve the needs of students and families. Currently, YelaoShr®’s [ClassOne] is offering a limited-time promotional activity: two months of tuition for only RM4XX, plus an additional course worth RM2XX, providing highly cost-effective educational services.

Although online courses faced many challenges during the pandemic, YelaoShr®’s innovative breakthroughs and continuous improvements demonstrate the immense potential and value of online courses in future education. By choosing [ClassOne], parents and students can enjoy a more personalized, efficient, and systematic learning experience.

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