


从理论上讲,0-6岁是儿童的良好习惯(包括心理习惯和行为习惯)形成的关键期,同时也是儿童各项能力的发展黄金期,其中最为重要的就是学习能力的发展,而让所有人梦寐以求的学习能力,却可以通过阅读能力的培养而开发90%甚至更多。但是阅读能力,需要两种条件才能发展起来: 第一是持续性和连贯性,即阅读习惯的培养:要每天固定有阅读时间,而不可以喜欢就读读,不喜欢就不读了,这样不会有好习惯的养成; 第二是阅读量的累计,一般幼儿一年的阅读量要达到50-100万字才可以使这种能力萌芽!


免除孩子对学习恐惧和挫折感所带来的创伤,我们培育您的孩子踏上 #快乐学习自主之路!#看字 会读、#听音 会写、开启喜“阅“人生!℠

如果一个孩子从没有读过一本好书,甚至从没读过一本超过10万字的书,而是把大量时间都投入到学校课本和大量作业里去了,那么这个孩子的天赋聪明就被饿死了。一般而言,一二年级孩子每年阅读量不能低于100万字(正常是100-200万字之间),二三年级每年不能低于200万字(正常是200-300万字之间) ,四五六年级每年不能低于300万字的阅读量(正常是300-500万字之间,有的阅读量大的孩子可以每年达到1000万字以上)。


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我们是目前最受家长喜欢的 #专业认字阅读及潜能开发中心!我们以独创的创意教学方法教导孩子掌握好语言的基础,同时协助孩子激发其大脑的潜能,让孩子把握好大脑的黄金打造时机,为您的孩子构建美好的学习将来。在这里,我们跟着孩子本身的程度教学,学习过程创意好玩,最重要我们的教学系统有效果,孩子学得开心,父母有个安心

★ 4-8岁 500-3000 (华巫英1:1创意教学法)认字、发音、阅读与理解启蒙课程 ★

✔ 专家指出,3-6岁是儿童识字的黄金期,也是一个人一生中学习认字最快,记忆力最强的时期,这个时期孩子的大脑就像是空白磁盘,对于他们来说,记忆不是负担,而是一种生理需要。如果在3-8岁能够对儿童进行识字训练,就可以在较短的时间内迅速解决整个小学阶段需要完成的识字量,也就是常用汉字2500个。

✔ 文字是一切知识的基础,识字的目的是为了让孩子尽早阅读,早阅读等于给孩子增加了一双自己获取知识的眼晴,孩子通过阅读可以丰富词汇量、提高语言表达能力、培养学习兴趣、树立自信心,为孩子的一生发展奠定良好的基础。


★7-12岁 小学华语、国文(1:1创意教学法)- 基础补救和提升课程 ★

✔ 华小的国文已经不是你我小时候的那种程度,从itik, ayam, arnab 开始学起。教育政策已经又改为以国语为首教数理。孩子的成绩不好,你叫他学这个补那个,正不知道其实他根本就不明白那一道题问的是什么,那么到底这是语文掌握的问题,还是自己乘法表没有背好?

✔ 孩子考不好,除了进“补”,你还是以为除了“补”就没有其它方法?你知不知道,很多孩子是“慢”,不是“笨”。你把“慢”拉“快”来打(补)……处理,他除了顺你的意,谁会明白他?我们应该把*慢*提升起来,而不是被逼从”笨”的标签转为“没得救“,抑或是学校老师不会教????!!!!





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Reading Should be The Focus In Primary School, not Academic Result.

Reading is the foundation of learning. The age between 3 and 8 years old is the golden period of reading development. Thus, nothing is more important than parents helping children to read more and to improve on their reading ability during this stage. Children, who are able to read extensively, possess unlimited potential to improve academically and catch up in school in spite of a slow start.

In theory, the age between 0 and 6 years old is an important period when children form good psychological and behavioural habits; it is also a stage where they develop various abilities, especially cognitive abilities. It is known that at least 90% of the cognitive abilities can be developed through reading. Two conditions must be met to develop reading effectively, i.e. continuity and consistency. That means, first and foremost, cultivating a habit of reading requires a child to read daily at a designated time rather than reading only based on one’s whims and fancies. Secondly, children should read consistently in order to reach a targeted cumulative amount of words, normally ranging from 500,000 to 1,000,000 words a year.

Reading ability develops rapidly during the primary school period. Therefore, there is nothing more important than parents helping their children to read extensively and improve on their reading ability. A child’s intelligence is akin to a sprouting seed that only grows under certain conditions. In this sense, the conditions are high-volume reading and cognitive games that involve the use of the hands and mind.

If a child has never read a good book or a book with more than 100,000 words, and his or her time is mainly spent on reading textbooks and doing homework, the potential of his/her intelligence will not be fully developed. In general, children in Standard 1 and 2 should read at least 1 million words a year (normally between 1 – 2 million words), while children in Standard 2 and 3 should read at least 2 million words a year (normally between 2 – 3 million words). For children in Standard 4, 5 and 6, their reading volume should reach at least 3 million words a year (normally between 3 – 5 million words; some can even reach 10 million words per year).

Children in primary school should never spend most of their time and energy in reading textbooks and doing workbooks because these books do not provide in-depth knowledge that satisfies their inquisitive mind. Only reading a huge volume of books like classical stories and general knowledge books (astronomy, geography, history, physics, chemistry, philosophy, arts, etc.) can help children develop their intelligence and potential.

Schooling children spend most of their time learning in class, doing a large quantity of exercises in school as well as at home in the evening. As their time and energy have been largely spent in academic learning, studying more is therefore ineffective in developing their intelligence―it is akin to trying to find a needle in a haystack. Therefore, why not let them read more books to improve their cognitive abilities and expand their knowledge rather than pursuing something in futile? That’s why some even say that academic results in primary school are often misleading and inaccurate in measuring children’s cognitive abilities. This is because when studying and homework have occupied most of their time, children will not be able to read extensively. Spending more time in academic study is a case of penny wise and pound foolish. Even if our children can obtain full marks in exams, it is still a huge loss for their future.

The problem surfaces during the period of lower secondary school. Many secondary school teachers discover a peculiar phenomenon: High achievers who put all their time and energy in study to obtain high scores in primary school often suffer from slipping academic performance; some even suffer from burnout and throw in the towel. On the contrary, those who are well-read but performed mediocrely in primary school often exhibit higher potential to improve academically and are able to catch up in learning despite having a slow start.

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The situation becomes even more serious in upper secondary school and when they enter the society where job performance is not measured by academic results. Many parents place great importance on children’s academic results during primary school and are even misguided by teacher’s emphasis on test scores to the extent that they are reluctant to allocate more time for their children to read and play as these activities are deemed as wasting time.

However, like a seeding that lacks nutrition and suffers from malnutrition, these children often experience learning fatigue in high schools. This leads to parents complaining about their children lackadaisical attitude but they hardly realize that they are the ones responsible for such ‘short-lived success’ and ‘malnourished intelligence’.

Therefore, parents should be open-minded. They should not be restrictive, insisting their children to pursue high scores when their children enter primary school. Instead, they should make preparation to pave the way for their children’s future development. Primary school is the sprouting period of a seed, lower secondary school the budding stage, upper high school the full bloom, while tertiary education is an all-new phase of growth.

In short, as parents who care for the lifelong growth of our children, we should not overstress academic results in primary school. We should aim at helping our children to build a solid foundation in various aspects, cultivating good habits that can truly benefit them throughout their lives.

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