叶老师闪卡认字 效果大不同

老师最经常遇到的问题就是:“为什么你们的识字卡和别人不一样?为什么你们的汉字识字卡都不用图画的?没有图画的话,孩子容易学会吗?” 没错,我们的识字卡完全不用图片的,纯汉子识字卡就是我们和其他认字教学中心最大的分别,同时也是我们最大的优势。







叶老师的马来文和英文识字教学着重的是务实和长远效果。马来文和英文单词纯由A-Z 的字母组成,我们的教学着重于教会孩子 Sukukata 和 Phonics 如何发音,只有在孩子完全掌握了这两项基础之后,我们才会进阶以图像来作闪卡教学。

左图是图像闪卡(Baby 婴孩的闪卡图),用于激发孩子的右脑。右图则是该图像的单词,用来教导孩子掌握这个单词 (Baby 婴孩的文字)。孩子只要掌握了发音基础,看字就能念出来,再把图像配对单词,就可以做到看字会读,读而能理解其意,再来是听后能写(Ejaan/Spelling)。


Why YelaoShr® Chinese Flashcard Are More Effective?

Why are your Chinese flashcards different from others?”
“Why are there no pictures in your flashcards?”
“Can children learn better without pictures?”

These are some of the questions we often encounter regarding our flashcards.

Yes, YelaoShr® Chinese flashcards do not contain any picture but only words―a unique feature that set us apart from other learning centres, giving us the leading edge in helping young learners to read.

Most Chinese flashcards in the market come with pictures to help teachers give hints to students when they learn how to read a word. A picture is usually placed next to a word to suggest its meaning. It purportedly facilitates teaching as teachers can use the picture to explain the meaning of a word. Such method is often said to improve literacy and hailed as the latest learning development. On the contrary, we see this approach as counterproductive, affecting children’s ability to recognize words.

Chinese words are essentially pictographic writing. It is one of the few languages in the world that promotes right brain development. Chinese characters appear as beautiful images for children who have yet learned to read in the language. Adding pictures to Chinese words is therefore unnecessary.

Using flashcards with pictures so that teachers can provide hints or meaning of a word from the picture actually impedes effective learning. The disadvantage of this method is that children won’t be able to grasp the strokes of the Chinese characters correctly. They may be able to recall the shape and pronunciation of a word but fail to remember every stroke accurately. This defeats the ultimate purpose of learning to read and write in Chinese.

At YelaoShr® Creative Learning Centre, we use Chinese flashcards that contain only words and do not use pictures as hints. Such approach ensures that teachers employ their creativity in teaching young learners to recognize and pronounce words. This poses a great challenge to our teaching staff. Hence, our teachers are professionally trained and experienced. Children learning Chinese with pictureless flashcards can master pronunciation and remember every stroke better, thus helping them to write correctly.

In addition to Chinese flashcards, most Malay and English flashcards also come with pictures. The main purpose of using pictures in flashcards is none other than stimulating the right brain for better learning results. However, unlike the pictographic Chinese words, Malay and English words are formed from phonetic letters, thus making the method fundamentally flawed.

Malay and English words are not pictographic writing. Therefore, putting Malay and English words in flashcards to teach reading is no different from conventional method of teaching children to read from a printed page. It fails to take full advantage of flashcard learning method. It should not be even called as flashcard method. To put it plainly, such approach in teaching Malay and English literacy only encourages children to memorize the words. It regresses to conventional rote learning.

YelaoShr® Malay & English Literacy Programmes emphasize pragmatic and long-term results. As Malay and English words are composed of phonetic letters, we focus on suku kata and phonics to teach children how to pronounce the words. Only when children have mastered them, we will then move on to using flashcards with pictures (as per samples of English flashcards shown below).

Picture left shows a flashcard with a picture to stimulate the right brain of young learners. Picture right is flashcards used to help children learn Malay and English.

Only when children have built a strong foundation in phonics can they read, comprehend and write correctly in a breeze.

Life is full of joy when one learns to read and write!

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