Aged 3-6 Trilingual Reading & Brain Development Programme (1on1 COACHING)

Teaching young children words recognition, pronunciation, reading, comprehension & writing.

YelaoShr® Creative Learning Centre is parent’s preferable choice!

Reading Early For A Head Start in Life

教导孩子认字、发音、阅读、理解、书写 Yelaoshr

According to experts, children aged 3 – 6 years are in their golden period of learning. Their brains are akin to a blank disc, ever ready to absorb new information.

To them, memorizing is not a burden but a biological necessity. Thus, it is important to harness this potential during this period so that your child can learn to master essential words in the primary school syllabus (approximately 2500 commonly used Chinese words).

常用汉字2500个 Yelaoshr

The advantage that comes with word literacy is the ability to read. The purpose of teaching word recognition is to fast-track reading.


Reading is the key to knowledge and wisdom. A child who reads is capable of attaining greater cognitive development. Reading serves to enrich a child’s vocabulary and improves his or her ability to communicate. It also serves to inculcate a passion for learning and helps build self-confidence, essentially laying the very foundation for a bright future.

On the contrary, if a child were to begin word learning only upon entering a primary school, the child may not be able to cope with the pace in school. Consequently, the child’s abilities to read and understand will be hampered.

In addition, learning at an early age actually helps reduce the burden they will face in primary school later. Students in SJK(C) need to learn 8 subjects. A poor proficiency in Chinese will ultimately hinder learning of other subjects and damper their interest and confidence when they fail to catch up in school.

The problems faced by students in Chinese primary schools:

○ In Primary One, a child is expected to master a total of eight subjects, namely Malay Language, Chinese Language, English, Arithmetic, Science, Moral Studies, Area Research and Living Skills.

○ If the child has a poor command of languages, he or she will not be able to read and understand textbooks. Homework becomes a difficult task and the child will eventually do badly in examinations.

○ Lacking a good vocabulary of Chinese words makes learning of school subjects more and more difficult as the child moves up to higher levels.

○ Many students in Chinese primary schools have a limited vocabulary of Malay Language and English. They are often unable to pronounce and understand words in Malay Language and English.

○ When a child is unable to keep up with the pace in school, he or she is likely to lose interest, become lazy and defiant. This is certainly a serious cause for concern to the parents.

○ When the child reaches secondary school, the disinterest in reading and schooling grows deeper. Little wonder that the child eventually quits schooling. It is a loss to the society.

You may need to consider letting your child take an essential learning assessment. Let our professional educators help your child find out their strengths and challenges!

Malay & English Syllable Pronunciation, Reading and Comprehension

Most Chinese children fear and shun the Malay language because it is not their mother tongue. More often than not, most parents place greater emphasis on Chinese and English during preschool than the Malay language, resulting in weak foundation of the national language amongst many children.


It becomes a challenge for these young learners, who have not even mastered suku kata, when they enter Standard 1, especially in SJK where maths and science are taught in the national language.

YelaoShr® Malay & English Syllable Pronunciation, Reading and Comprehension Programme uses stress-free learning method to nurture children’s interest in the Malay & English languages so that they can master suku kata, perbendaharaan kata, tatabahasa and pemahaman at an early age.

Is your child’s vocabulary up to age-appropriate standards?

At the Beginner stage, teachers will use flashcards to guide young learners in recognizing words, which in turn improves their memory gradually. At this stage, the words are large and printed in red to attract their attention and reinforce impression. Children aged 3 to 4 years will be able to read 100 Chinese words within 2 months.


Some 4-year-old children will be able to pick up 500 words within 8 months, which is equivalent to Standard 1 level. At this stage, your child can read short stories independently. The role of the teacher now is to guide your child in independent reading, hone his/her reading skills, and cultivate the habit of reading.


The ultimate goal of literacy is to cultivate a child’s interest in reading, but not for coping with exams. Studies show that a person with a command of about 1000 words can read and understand up to 80% of the content in normal books and newspapers.

3 steps to begin YelaoShr learning journey

Purchase Voucher

[Up to 80% Off] RM98 Onsite One-On-One Bahasa Malaysia/ Mandarin/ English Lessons for Kids Aged 4 – 12 years old

Book an Appointment

Because every child is unique, we focus on face-to-face counseling. Arrange for an appointment at our branch near you.

Preliminary Learning Assessment

A simple test for your child will determine how we can advice you on their learning improvement. As for the class time, course fee, etc., we will give you a detailed explanation during the parenting consultation session.

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